Book Review – Voice from the East by Author Neel Preet

Indian Defence Files: Volume 1 (Hindi Edition) For an avid reader like me, who is working in the Birmingham Times, UK as a Columnist, it is interesting to see how the focus towards short stories and poetry is back! India has some of the best poets and the next generation is nurturing this passion. This […]

Book Review: What’s on my mind A-Z edition by Jiya Gupta

Words flow into emotions, and emotions weave themselves into introspective thoughts as one flips through Jiya Gupta’s, What’s on my mind A-Z edition. The two lines in the dedication foreshadow the interestingly intimate approach of this anthology of 26 poems and art therapy activities. Its mesmerizing to see how the most basic element of the […]

Postcard From The Mountains: A Collection of Poetry & Prose written by sharayu bafna

Poetry is the play of right words with some of the most indescribable emotions, while poets are those players who plays with beautiful words and makes way to compose these heart-touching and soulful poems for us! Reviewing this beautiful Poetry-Collection book, “Postcard From The Mountains: A Collection of Poetry and Prose” by Author-Poet Sharayu Bafna […]

Book Review | The Rhythm To Soar |Steffy Terrance

Poetry is the play of right words with some of the most in-describable emotions, while poets are those players who plays with the beautiful words and makes way to compose these heart touching and soulful poems for us! Reviewing this beautiful Poetry-Collection book, “The Rhythm To Soar” by Author-Poet Steffy Terrance has been an extremely […]

Book Review | Love Knots |Author Tirtho Banerjee | Criticspace Journal

When poetry takes the garb of real, the product that is the result is far more closer to reality than the words of fiction. The poet Tirtho Banerjee creates this realistic product in his third title, “Love Knots.” After his earlier collections, “Beyond Words and Between Lines” and “Cityscape,” the title “Love Knots” would seem […]

Love.Feel.Pain.Heal.Repeat – poems of love, hope, passion, rupture and healing

These four words highlight the most common aspects of that phenomenon called Love. Even more so, when it’s one-sided. Just as the name suggests, this book is a beautiful compilation of poems about all the feelings and phases people usually go through before and after a heartbreak. Most notably, Author Shilpa has come out as […]


My Thoughts: Poetry is one of the strongest art forms used to perfectly portray a person’s inner feelings. The muse can be anyone or anything, but the words take a magical turn once moulded by a poet. It is no wonder that a poem of 2 lines can also explain a lifetime journey. Personally, I […]

Book Review – A Beautiful Heart by Arun Warikoo at Criticspace Journals

Poetry is the play of right words with some of the most in-describable emotions, while poets are those players who plays with the beautiful words and makes way to compose these heart touching and soulful poems for us! Reviewing this beautiful Poetry-Collection book, “A Beautiful Heart” by Author-Poet Arun Warikoo has been a very satisfying […]

Book Review |Reflections by Dr. Dewakar Goel | Criticspace Journals

The human mind is such that it keeps wandering over the different things it witnesses and the various events that occur. As time gives experience to a human being, the wisdom born out of it is much more practical and applicable to life in the real sense. A work bearing a thorough influence of this […]

Book Review |A Garland of Words by Margesh Rai | Criticspace Journals

Poetry is the play of right words with some of the most in-describable emotions, while poets are those players who plays with the beautiful words and makes way to compose these heart touching and soulful poems for us! Reviewing this Poetry-Collection book, “Poetry: A Garland of Words” has been a special experience to me since […]