Words flow into emotions, and emotions weave themselves into introspective thoughts as one flips through Jiya Gupta’s, What’s on my mind A-Z edition. The two lines in the dedication foreshadow the interestingly intimate approach of this anthology of 26 poems and art therapy activities. Its mesmerizing to see how the most basic element of the English language- the alphabets- have been elevated and integrated into a psychological and sociological spectrum. Each poem has an unmistakable voice of reason that needs to be heard by society. The letter ‘B’ exposes the twisted beauty standards of our community, the ‘I’ calls for the true meaning of one’s identity, and ‘S’ bravely questions ubiquitous stereotypes. Every poem has an art-therapy activity after it which allows the reader to process what they have read and gives them a chance to creatively express themselves. The graphics of the book are truly the cherry on top of the cake! Bold, vibrant, and welcoming, they motivate the reader and provide a splash of color amidst the sea of words. By speaking about ‘whats n her mind’, Jiya has truly redefined these 26 letters for me and her community. Right from A-Z, this book sets itself apaprt from other poetry and activity books. I strongly urge everyone to ‘go back to their ABC’s’ through this book. They are in for a treat!