The abrogation of ‘Article 35A’ as well as ‘Article 370’ from the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir has been one of the greatest Political headlines not just in the Indian Media but also in the global media since the 5th of August 2019. Well, a part from the decision of carrying out ‘Surgical Strikes’ in order to give a befitting reply to Pakistan’s terror activities, undoubtedly the removal of Article 370 from the state of J&K is one of the most Nationalistic Steps by the Modi Government. Yet, often times we find many critics questioning the Nationalist Government of India their decision the removal of Article 370 from the state of J&K. Moreover, it would not be wrong to say that these people who question such a brave & appropriate decision of the government lack the wisdom to see a larger picture and understand the National Interest.

Obviously, the removal of Article 370 from Jammu & Kashmir in India was a landmark event in the history of the region and the country. Article 370 was a constitutional provision that granted special status and autonomy to the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Over here, it must be noted that Article 370 in J&K was only misused and never ever served the national interest in all these years. Nevertheless, the decisive government of PM Shri Narendra Modi took a much-needed decision to repeal this provision on the 5th of August 2019, and ever since then, this issue has been a subject of intense debate and discussion. Therefore, through this article, a depth analysis has been made, which shall explain to the readers, the benefits of the removal of Article 370 from the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir!

The first benefit of the removal of Article 370 is that it helps to integrate Jammu & Kashmir into the rest of India. Prior to the repeal of Article 370, Jammu & Kashmir had their own constitution, flag, and separate laws and regulations, which made it difficult for the central government to enforce policies and regulations in the region. The removal of Article 370 helps to bring the state of Jammu & Kashmir closer to the rest of India, making it easier for the central government to implement policies and regulations in the region.

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The second benefit of the removal of Article 370 is that it helps to improve the economic development of Jammu & Kashmir. The state has long been known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, but it has also been plagued by poverty, unemployment, and underdevelopment. The removal of Article 370 makes it easier for the central government to invest in the region and implement policies and programs aimed at boosting economic development and creating job opportunities!

The third benefit of the removal of Article 370 is that it helps to enhance the security situation in Jammu & Kashmir. The region has been a hotbed of terrorism and militancy for many years, and the central government has been struggling to restore peace and stability. The removal of Article 370 makes it easier for the central government to enforce security and anti-terrorism measures in the region, helping to reduce the threat posed by militant groups.

The fourth benefit of the removal of Article 370 is that it helps to improve governance and administration in Jammu & Kashmir. Prior to the repeal of Article 370, the state government had limited powers and was unable to implement policies and programs effectively. The removal of Article 370 makes it easier for the central government to implement reforms and improve governance and administration in the region!

Finally, the fifth benefit of the removal of Article 370 is that it helps to promote national unity and integration. India is a secular country with a rich cultural and religious heritage, and the government has a responsibility to ensure that all regions and communities are treated equally and fairly. The removal of Article 370 helps to promote national unity by bringing Jammu & Kashmir closer to the rest of India and by making it easier for the central government to implement policies and programs aimed at promoting unity and integration.

In conclusion, the removal of Article 370 from Jammu & Kashmir in India has several benefits, including helping to integrate the region into the rest of India, boosting economic development, enhancing security, improving governance and administration, and promoting national unity and integration.
While the decision to repeal Article 370 has been a controversial one; however, the Modi Government’s long-term aim of improving the lives of the people of Jammu & Kashmir is commendable, and it has the actual potential to establish a positive impact on the region and the country!

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Written By NEEL PREET – Author of the Books, Voice From The East (2016); Journey With Time Place And Circumstances (2018) & Indian Defence Files (2021).

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