Money is necessary for every work a person has to do. From being born to the death day, every person has the requirement for money. The worldly pleasures are such that temptations are present at every step of life in every passing day. Since the income is limited for everyone, and wants are much more comparatively, everyone faces financial crunches. Anna Liza Naik in her book “Money Lessons on How to Avoid Daily Financial Stress” discusses not just these problems but also gives probable practical solutions to those problems. These problems crop in, according to the author, due to the lack of financial education at any level of early life. Even later, it is all to the discretion of the people as to how they use their finances.

In the present time when the technology is in its boom phase, the needs of the people have grown immensely. While earlier human beings, worked to fulfil their basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and educating their children, for the next generations the needs continued to get added. From good clothes to luxury cars to the best gadgets, the list is endless. Naik’s “Money Lessons on How to Avoid Daily Financial Stress” comes as an eye-opener for those who face the financial problems, and they are not able to get rid of them due to their persistence.

The author not only gives practical examples and explores the reasons as to why those problems persist but also at the same time what the probable solutions to those problems are. She begins with an introduction where she explains in detail the purpose of the book and the circumstances that led her to pen down “Money Lessons on How to Avoid Daily Financial Stress”. She clearly mentions her observations in the present scenario where everything is locked down due to the pandemic COVID-19 and the fact that people are struggling to make their ends meet.

Based on this miserable condition of the people, the author understands that lack of financial education is the root cause of this, and takes up the task of attempting to impart some financial education to the readers based on her understanding, knowledge, and practical experience. She imparts important tips and tricks which the readers can easily understand and apply in their routine lives.

Most of the times, people complain of not understanding the technical jargon of the field of finance due to which they remain unaware and uninformed about things. But Naik takes up minute real-life examples which people don’t even tend to pay attention unconsciously and end up in financial troubles. Not only this, the author explains to the readers how psychology and society also impacts the financial decisions of the people. Collectively, all these factors burn a hole in the pocket, and cause financial stress to the ones who fall prey to temptations and label them as needs.

Naik through the medium of “Money Lessons on how to avoid daily Financial Stress” clearly advises the readers to differentiate between needs and necessities, and only on the basis of that, making financial decisions. She gives examples, and also explains her ideas through numeric forms as numbers are more convincing when it comes to the psychological level. 

“Money Lessons on How to Avoid Daily Financial Stress” should be read by all the people who are trying to save money or do not know anything about saving. As the author clearly says in the book that saving money is something that everyone should be taught since childhood, hence the book becomes a must-read for the parents not for their children but also and themselves. Other than that, an update in financial knowledge can never be a bane hence the grown-up people should also read for themselves and for the ones who are busy earning a living for the family and educate them to help them in better financial management.

The keeps the language of the book simple, clear, and concise to cater to the understanding of the readers and by the end of the book, the readers for sure feel a step ahead in their financial education. Also, she keeps a set of activities, so that, the readers stay ready with a pencil and through those activities, the author makes the readers pinpoint their flaws when it comes to their financial activities. These activities keep the reader tuned and any chances of boredom for the reader are completely negated. This is indicative of the author taking the psychological factor into consideration while writing the book. Knowledge is endless as they say and with this though the author ends “Money Lessons on How to Avoid Daily Financial Stress” asking the readers to wait for her next edition for the addition to their financial knowledge.

Book Title: Money Lessons on How to Avoid Daily Financial Stress
Author: Anna Liza Naik
Published By: Evincepub Publishing
Reviewed By: Criticspace Journals Team
Order Book: Order on Amazon

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