“Do not compete with anyone in the Race of Life; Compete with yourself. Life is not a race but a pace we need to maintain with reality!”
The book, “#Mylifeline: Part – III: Being Self-Motivated” by Author Vishal Patel (Sevak) is actually the third instalment of the Author’s Inspirational Novel Series #Mylifeline. The first novel of this series was #Mylifeline: Part – I, which was released in the year 2018 while the second novel of this series, #Mylifeline: Part II – Roller-Coaster Nightmare’s was released in 2019. Readers can feel that the author had tied a beautiful thread of hope, happiness and optimism in all these three novels of his #Mylifeline series.
The plot has been written with great efforts and the readers will find many interesting and hard truths of life which are explained in an appealing manner. The narration has been excellent and engaging throughout and making it a page turner in all true sense. This book particularly is for those readers who are seeking motivation and growth in their personal and professional lives.
About the Author: Apart from his professional career as an Engineer in one of the Multinational Companies, Vishal Patel (Sevak) is by heart an Author, Social Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, Writer, Councillor, Anchor and Event Organizer. He writes novels, stage plays, scripts, short stories, blogs and quotes in English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati.
The Author likes to explore all the aspects and every part of this world. He loves sports, music and is a good listener to all the positive vibes surrounding him. He loves to spend time with new people and wants to help, support and motivate every individual during their tough times.
The Author was also one among the Top 100 Indian Debut Authors 2019 for his true Inspirational Novel Series, #Mylifeline. Also, this Novel Series won the Top 100 Indian Debut Novel Award 2020.
With his motivational, selfless words, thoughts, and acts, he hopes to help and support needy people around the world and motivate them during their tough times.
His 50+ Blogs and 1200+ Quotes in English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati, and 5+ Stage Plays and Dramas in Hindi and Gujarati have been published on Social Media. Also, the Author can be contacted through the Social Media, where he has a very strong presence.
This book, “#Mylifeline: Part – III: Being Self-Motivated” talks about the modern day problems like the race of life, where each and every one is running to achieve some materialistic targets in their life while completely ignoring the beauty and importance of inner satisfaction and the feeling of the real happiness of life. The Author also points out that this phenomenon is much more common in the ones belonging to the younger generation of our society as only a few of them receives the proper direction, positive paths and that ray of hope, which motivates them to live their life with optimism even after failures. The author also brings to the readers’ attention that most of the youths just fails to find the ways of remaining strong and motivated to the challenging situations, which they face in their lives. Therefore, this results in them being demotivated and depressed for a really long period of time, which badly harms their lives. The even sadder part is that these youths lose their faith in their well-wishers and always feel alone by giving up upon everything in their life, which often leads them to the unimaginable wrong steps and mistakes.
So, through this book, the author had formulated the ways to help the ones who are seeking solution to their day to day life chores. The book aims to help the readers in understanding and analysing their own as well as others’ behaviour during a challenging phase in order make them believe and accept the real situations with courage, which they are facing! The book focuses on developing the inner spirit and audacity to face challenges of the life for the ones, who are facing the hard time in accepting their tough reality.
The novel talks about the necessity of facing challenges upfront and importance of keeping positivity in life with every result and every aspect which the situation offers, which indeed makes it Reading Worthy. Moreover, it’s the intention with which the author had wonderfully completed his work will give the readers a sense of inner happiness after reading this book.
With the teachings of being self-motivated, staying optimistic, never giving up and facing the reality the Author has truly justified the Book Title, “#Mylifeline: Part – III: Being Self-Motivated.” In addition, the Book Cover, too deserves a special mention for reflecting an extraordinary glimpse of Dedication and the Strength to move forward in life!
#Mylifeline: Part – III: Being Self-Motivated is an intelligent effort to highlight the importance of motivation and dedication for every individual in their lives, making it a Must Read. True efforts and Self-Belief always works out for the best, so instead of lamenting on what went wrong, it’s much more necessary to work on the ways to mend it all.
Author Name: Vishal Patel (Sevak)
Book Title: #Mylifeline: Part – III: Being Self-Motivated
Publisher: Notion Press; 1 edition (20 January 2020) Review by: Neel Preet at Criticspace
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂