Interviewer: Congratulation on the release of your book Let the Feelings Become Known, Anshuman Raj Ji! Tell us something about your book?
Anshuman: At first, I would like to thank you to give me a chance to express myself and about my book. I’m Anshuman Raj from Bihar. My book is composed of English poems on different topics. The poems deal with love, life, nature and so on. My book helps the reader to feel the fragrance of poetry. It allows them to enlighten their feelings towards English literature more.
Interviewer: What did it dawn upon you that you wanted to be a writer? Do you have a set schedule for writing or are you one of those who write only when they feel inspired?
Anshuman: When I was in class 11th, I read Shakespeare Sonnet 18. It attracted me a lot. It made me think that I must try to write or let the people know my feelings. Yes, I have a set schedule for writing. I mainly write at night as it provides me a peaceful environment to express myself. I try to write everyday no matter what.
Interviewer: How would you like to define your journey as a poet? Be descriptive please so that our visitors know about your writing career a little more.
Anshuman: The entire journey was very dynamic for me. I enjoyed myself very much while writing. Writing always keeps me away from this self-absorbed world as my own imaginative world is already inside me. While writing poems, I got a chance to know or feel the moments of life. I could be able to see things very closely and deeply. There were many times at the starting point I had to labour hard to be aware of the style oif writing or decorating poems but those were zestful for me. Poems always define me in less and decorated words.
Interviewer: Who are your favourite poets? And name one book that you like most among all others you have read.
Anshuman: However all the poets are good and hold their own talents of expressing themselves. But I love to read John Keats, Pablo Neruda, W.B. Yeats and William Shakespeare. The book that still attracts me is the book of Pablo Neruda, “Twenty Love Poems and A Song of Despair.”
Interviewer: What other genre you are interested in reading and writing? Readers might ask so.
Anshuman: Beside poems, I am also interested in reading novels and short stories. I also like to read plays. I love to write quotes, short stories.
Interviewer: What is your current goal in writing career?
Anshuman: However, writing is all about expressing the emotions of the heart. I write because I love to feel moments. Since I have just started writing, so I simply want to win the hearts of the readers from my writing. I write to decorate English literature more.
Interviewer: Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?
Anshuman: No. To be a writer they must have to feel the emotions strongly otherwise they cannot express themselves for long. They cannot be able to convey a proper message they want to convey from their writings.
Interviewer: If you could ask one successful author three questions about writing, writing process or books, what would they be?
Anshuman: If I get an authentic chance to ask one successful author three questions, I will ask:-
(1) What do you think about literature on holding its relevance these days?
(2) Why do the non- fictional works attract less number of audience even after expressing many noble concepts?
(3) It seems that nowadays many people only read literature only for interest not to learn or absorb things. Why?
Interviewer: What do you hope your readers take away from this book?
Anshuman: My book expresses the feelings of a school going boy. It makes the readers feel how a boy expresses his emotions in a literary style. It also conveys a message that the children also have the understandable feelings besides naughtiness. It gives the message to the youths of today that if they have dedication to do anything, then age has no meaning.
Interviewer: What were the key challenges you faced when writing this book?
Anshuman: When I started writing my book, I had to be familiar with the writing style of poems. Reading helps me in facing such kinds of problems. Since I have also written sonnets, blank verses and so on, so writing such kinds of poems demands a lot of reading, understanding and concentration. However, all the experiences were amazing as I got many chances to see literature deeply and closely.
Interviewer: What was your favourite part, and your least favourite part, of the publishing journey?
Anshuman: My favourite part of the publishing journey at first was good. I got the publishing proposal even after the first day of submitting the sample pages of my work. Thereafter, I got a proper reply of email from the side of the Publishing House. Selecting Educreation Publishing House for publishing my book proved to be worth as the entire process was easy to pursue. The least favourite part of my publishing journey was that I mistook in the sku code of my book in filling the form of the publishing process which took some time more to correct. Rest was fine.
Interviewer: Any advice you would like to give to aspiring writers?
Anshuman: Writing is such a work that needs to be polished more and more to become effective. So I simply want to advise the aspiring writes they shouldn’t be sad and discouraged on the rejection of their works because the rejection leads to perfection at times. It instead provides a new chance to come up effectively.
Interviewer: What else you are working on? Please share with the readers. Thanks for your time and the answers to my questions! Wish you all the best for your upcoming books.
Anshuman: I am writing a new book right now. It is based on love and care that convey the message of unity. At last I would also like to thank you for giving your precious time to see my answers.