Kshitij Dabhade has completed his B.E in Computer Science and MBA (Finance)from Mumbai University. At 22 years of age he started a Mumbai based consultancy firm Eclat Infotainment Pvt Ltd. Today he is the Founder and Director the company. Kshitij Dabhade very firmly believes that Hindu Scriptures are doorway to profound wisdom and knowledge. Young Indian writers have to take the initiative to study this scriptures and bring this knowledge to the younger generation of not just India but world, explaining the younger generation the scientific meaning behind Hindu culture and tradition so that they are widely accepted and used and not brushed off as blind faith or superstition. Dinchary: science of daily routine is one such attempt where author wants to show the world the profoundness of Indian Scriptures and the science behind it.
Interview With Kshitij Dabhade
Akhila Saroha: Welcome to Akhila Saroha Journals, Kshitij. First of all, congratulations on the publication of your book. How has the reception of the book been?
Kshitij: Thank You very much.The response to the book has been good.The idea that Dincharya is the science of daily routine is appealing to the readers. I hope more people read this book and implement the principles explained in the book to improve their lifestyle.
Akhila Saroha: How did the idea of taking people back to their roots come to you?
Kshitij: I am glad you asked this question as this question is very relevant for today’s time. Ayurveda cures so many diseases which Allopathy does not even acknowledge.Ayurveda has been practiced in India for at least 3000 years if not more and is relevant even today. Any Science which has survived for so many years has to be profound and effective and hence deserves respect and research.When doing research on Ayurveda I came across a book Ashtanga hridaya written by Maharishi Vaghbhata.In that book Maharishi Vaghbhata has mentioned Dincharya as important part of healthy living. My research took me back to our roots and hence I am taking my readers back to roots with my book.
Akhila Saroha: You seem to have done a lot of research work before writing the book. What sources did you refer to?
Kshitij: Ashtanga hridaya written by Maharishi Vaghbhata was the source of idea for Dincharya. Apart from that Patanjali Yoga Sutra by Swami Vivekananda and Bhagvad Gita by Swami Ranganathananda gave profound understanding about life.
Akhila Saroha: Did you feel any risk in writing on something that was so much different from the mainstream?
Kshitij: If you want to be a good writer you have to be a risk taker.Writers are the people who have seen the unseen and know the unknown and hence they have a story to tell. I am happy to take this risk as risky literature is often the most interesting literature.
Akhila Saroha: What is your perspective about the modern-day guru shishya relationship?
Kshitij: Guru Shishya relationship in modern India is not as strong as it used to be in ancient India. But whenever the magic of this relationship works we see a world class performer is born.Whether it is Sachin Tendulkar and his coach Achrekar, Phogat sister and their coach Mahavir Singh Phogat or P V Sindhu and her Coach Gopichand.When a devoted Shishya meets Selfless Guru something magical happens. In modern India we should work on strengthening Guru Shishya parampara if we want india’s youth to be high performing individuals.
Akhila Saroha: Since the text is non-fiction, do you actually practice the Dincharya?
Kshitij: Yes.I am still trying to master Dincharya but whatever I have written in the book is first tested by me on myself and then only penned.
Akhila Saroha: How else do you think people can be made aware of our rich heritage which is almost forgotten?
Kshitij: History is the testimony to the fact that only two things change people. First is Strong Leader and Second a well written book.I am trying to contribute my little bit to the latter.
Akhila Saroha: How easy or difficult do you think it is to fit in Dincharya in the busy everyday life of people where they don’t even have time to take their basic meals properly?
Kshitij: Dinchary becomes most important when you have busy schedule.Some of the most busiest people in the world are the most ardent followers of Dincharya.Be it our Prime Minister Modi who wakes up early and follows his Dincharya or Superstar Akshay Kumar who is busy through out the year shooting but never misses sunrise or Apple Ceo Tim Cook who rises at 4 A.M and follows his Dincharya. Infact, the more busy you are the more important it is to follow Dincharya in your life.
Akhila Saroha: Are there any particular authors or books you enjoy reading?
Kshitij: Oh yes a lot of them.Mrutyunjaya based on Karna’s life and Yugandhar based on Krishna’s life written by Shivaji Sawant are my favourites. Rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki changed my life.The power of Subconcious mind by Joseph Murphy was very empowering. Books by Swami Vivekananda are enlightening. Any self help book with good content will find place on my book shelf.So I believe in reading variety of books from different authors as each one of them come with different flavour and style of writing.
Akhila Saroha: Many authors will come across this interview, would you like to give any advice to budding writers? It will be very helpful for them.
Kshitij: Well Dincharya Science of daily routine is my first book so I consider myself a budding writer. But for those writers who are yet to find their bud, if you are contemplating on an idea for writing, be honest to that idea and get started. Do not worry too much about grammar and mastery over language. Readers will value your honesty more than your mastery over writing.
Akhila Saroha: Are you writing other books as well? Please tell us about your future projects in writing.
Kshitij: Yes I am working on Dinchary 2 which will be advanced version of Dincharya Science of daily routine.
Akhila Saroha: What would you like to say about contemporary writing?
Kshitij: This is a great time for young Indian writers to write a book, because of digital platform they can reach people all over the world.
Akhila Saroha: Thank you so much for sparing your time and answering the questions. All the best to you.
Kshitij: Thank you. The pleasure is all mine.It was lovely talking to you.
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