Also Read: Book Review HANG ON: A Second Wind By Eshwarmurthy G Pillai
Author’s Background: Author Eshwarmurthy G Pillai, was born in 1972 in Mumbai, a city of dreams. His grandfather had influenced him immensely towards leading a social life. Starting the profession career as a Medical Representative in Mumbai, he experienced patient’s trauma closely, which still continues. Working with two great pharma giants, he developed the passion of writing and innovative thinking. After completing his MBA in 2003, the pharma journey continued and gave an opportunity to travel across India. In the process, he went on acquiring knowledge by interacting with the people in various fields.
Hang On – A Second Wind, the first book of the series “Hang On” results from those acquaintances from the farmers of the drought-affected region.
Neel Preet: Firstly, Big Congratulations to you on your book, “Hang On – A Second Wind!” What responses are you getting from this book of yours? Please share your experience about this book.
Eshwarmurthy G Pillai: The response from my book readers and mentors has been quite encouraging. Quite a few doctors who are my mentors have told me that my book is not just meant for the farmers. It is also meant for doctors, other medical staff, and other professionals too where the suicide rates have gone up due to pandemic. The book is meant for all those who are distressed and doesn’t find a way out. Apart from that a couple of readers have informed me to continue the journey of Subodh, the main protagonist of my book. That’s been very encouraging and I have started working on it. A couple of NGOs who are impressed with my book wants me to launch this book in other Indian regional languages in order to reach to the mass in the right place.
Neel Preet: After reading your book, I felt that it is a very ‘Inspiring & Motivational Plot’ so my question to you is that what inspired you to write a book like this?
Eshwarmurthy G Pillai: My journey with HANG ON – A SECOND WIND, started way back in 2014-15. That is where farmers suicide in India was at its peak. It used to indeed bother me. Though I was busy writing my other book, farmers suicide and their pathetic condition which I used to see and read through news media inspired me to write something motivating for them. Initially it was more like short film concept where in I wanted to show the darker side of farmer’s committing suicide. But few of my fellow writers suggested to show the positive aspects which can encourage them and the mass. That’s how the journey began and took the same of a novel, which I feel proud of.
Neel Preet: You have given a very interesting title to your book, so what made you go for this title for your book?
Eshwarmurthy G Pillai: Initially, the title to my book was “AABA”. It was very much from an individual perspective. But one of my mentor helped me in changing the title. He was so impressed with my book and put it in the line of, The Alchemist, The Monk who sold the Ferrari and Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Though the story is based around the farmer’s life, but it does carry a social message which can impact the masses. Even a few of my well-wishers suggested to have a better title which can appeal universally. After going through lot of permutation and combination, I finally arrived with the title “Hang On”. In a simple way it basically means, when you are in the most depressed state of your mind, just take a pause and be calm. Even the subtitle, “A Second Wind” conveys an important message. The person who tries to attempt Suicide and then bounces back, that life carries a lot of meaning to him.
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Neel Preet: Your writing is purely heart touching, describing the several aspects of the human life. So, while writing this book what was your mind-set?
Eshwarmurthy G Pillai: To me, life is a journey and should inspire as many people as possible towards a positive way of living life. While writing this book, I was completely focussed on the farmers pathetic situation and was trying to know more and more about them. In fact, I have interacted with quite a few farmers and villagers in interior Maharashtra, which has helped me a lot. Even had an opportunity to interact with a couple of bank managers also to know about the farmer’s loan and subsidy. That’s how characters like Subodh, Vanhi, and Stephen Noronha derived in my book.
Neel Preet: Apart from this genre, from which other genre would you like to contribute towards the field of literature!
Eshwarmurthy G Pillai: I have a huge pile of concepts which I wish to write it as soon as possible. Family drama, Children animation, Romedy and Romance are the genre lined up in my kitty.
Neel Preet: While reading your book, I found that your stories had some strong emotions inside them, which had greatly impressed me and thus I would like you to explain the overall theme of your book!
Eshwarmurthy G Pillai: HANG ON – A Second Wind,” talks about suicide prevention, awareness and dream fulfilment. I have given the message on my book cover itself. Still I would like to emphasize as it is very important. “Committing suicide is not the ultimate solution. The problem expands multifold, which later one’s family has to bear, lifelong.” It is always important to think about the family members before taking such drastic measures. Tackling depression is a stiff task but talking to people more and more will definitely help. Moving from isolated life to a social life relieves from the depression to a great extent. For dreamers my advice would be to live with their dream at the cost of any humiliation. Humiliation should be considered as a rocket fuel which can take you only high vertically.
Neel Preet: Sir your writing seemed to be impeccable & you were bold in your book too, which I really appreciate. Therefore, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you and whom you follow!
Eshwarmurthy G Pillai: I am a die-hard fan of John Grisham. Sudha Murthy and Chetan Bhagat are my other favourite.
Neel Preet: Is there any message that you would like to convey to your readers? Or any piece of advice, which you would like to give to the readers out there!
Eshwarmurthy G Pillai: I would like my readers to be a part of my author journey and encourage me with all their motivational and critical words which will inspire me further.
Neel Preet: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.
Eshwarmurthy G Pillai: I am working on two books. One on family drama and another one on romantic comedy and would be releasing it soon. Apart from that, I am also working on other regional translation for HANG ON – A SECOND WIND
Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all the questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!
Eshwarmurthy G Pillai: It’s been an honour for me to interact with intellectuals like you and feels blessed for my future books.