Title: Till The Last Breath
Author: Durjoy Datta
Pages: 256
Publisher: Penguin India
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About the book: The story revolves around two patients who meet in hospital room 50. They are living with different outlooks and vastly diverse life circumstances. One is a 19-year old medical student with an untreatable fatal disease. As she races towards her end, every breath to her seems like a milestone labelled with victory. The other is a patient with multiple organ failure due to a history of drug abuse. He cannot wait for his last breath to arrive. These two polar opposites in the hospital room are fighting death, as their doctors bend rules of medicine and at some points, even their ethics to keep them breathing. With a team of interns and their personal demons from the past to haunt them, the story depicts various shades of two lives crossing paths in a single room. Caught between their last moments, the two patients with not much in common, except their advancing death, share their tragic and inspiring stories and influence the lives of everyone around them. This book, prancing around a race towards death, is beautifully written and swells up the throat of the readers with tears at multiple points in the story-line.


About the author: Durjoy Datta was born on 7 February 1987 in Mehsana, Gujarat, in a Bengali Hindu family and was brought up in New Delhi. He completed a degree in engineering and business management before embarking on a writing career. His first book-Of Course I Love You . . .-was published when he was twenty-one years old and was an instant bestseller. His successive novels-Now That You’re Rich . . .; She Broke Up, I Didn’t! . . .; Oh Yes, I’m Single! . . .; You Were My Crush . . .; If It’s Not Forever . . .; Till the Last Breath . . .; Someone Like You; Hold My Hand; When Only Love Remains; World’s Best Boyfriend; Our Impossible Love; The Girl of My Dreams; and The Boy Who Loved-have also found prominence on various bestseller lists, making him one of the highest-selling authors in India.
Durjoy also has to his credit nine television shows and has written over a thousand episodes for television.

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