Title: Boost Your Immune Power with Ayurveda
Author: Janesh Vaidya
Pages: 224
Publisher: Penguin eBury Press
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About the book: Drawing on traditional knowledge, Boost Your Immune Power with Ayurveda is your everyday guide to holistic living. Besides focusing on one’s core nature and imbalances, mindful diets and yoga therapy, Janesh Vaidya draws our attention to a universal conundrum-mental health.
Vaidya’s years of experience as an Ayurvedic practitioner allows for a blueprint on how to live in an integrated manner. Written in a conversational style, this book is for anyone looking to improve their immunity, both physically and mentally, through practical Ayurvedic advice.

About the Author: Janesh Vaidya is an author, speaker, and traditional Ayurveda practitioner from Kerala India. Born in a Vaidya family (traditional Ayurveda practitioners family) in Kerala, South India, Janesh Vaidya has grown up with a vision to spread knowledge about holistic health to the world.

With lifelong experience in practicing Ayurveda and more than a decade of teachings in Europe and the US, the traditional Ayurveda practitioner Janesh Vaidya succeeds to present one of the most ancient health sciences from the East in a way that is easy to understand and practice for the people in the West.

Apart from being a well-known Ayurveda practitioner and an established writer Janesh Vaidya is also MD of Vaidya’s Ayurveda Village in Kerala, South India as well as an inspiring lecturer.

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