Mind: The place where all our emotions reside. Besides those emotions, it makes ample space for several problems as well. It is definitely a no-brainer to know the roots behind all our problems, that is emotions. So what if we learn the art of tackling our emotions and channelizing them in a good way rather than just brooding over them and wasting our time.
The theme: This book explains it all for us, that is how to play the game of mind in a way so that we can win over our mind and become the ultimate winners. I have come across many self-help books but unlike most other cliched self-help books, this one didn’t just force a few philosophical quotes but also explained the why’s and how’s of it. It not only explained the reasons behind our emotions but also delved into the how part of dealing with them.
What I really liked about the book is the way it has been segmented into several parts to explain each part clearly. It talked about dealing with emotions, about psychology, that is how to read people’s mind and comprehend them without them saying everything and also a lot about spirituality which is a very important part of our lives. It even talks about how to have a good first impression by knowing what non-verbal communication can convey.
Also Read: https://criticspace.com/2019/07/17/an-interview-with-devika-das/
The chapter which stood out for me was the one which dealt with anger. I am someone who loses her temper very easily, so this came out as a bonus for me. It not only just explained tips on controlling anger but also the reasons behind losing temper easily.
Narration: The way the book has been written is very lucid and meaningful making comprehension easier for the readers and to get exactly what the author is trying to express. At first, I was a bit sceptical about picking up this book but after hearing so many praises about it, I had to pick it up and I must say I am not at all disappointed with it.
I was looking for a kind of self-help book which would not just boast of helping me but would actually provide me real-time solutions and this one did complete justice to that. I did not really feel that the author needs to improve on anything in the book, I needed a little bit of push and zeal to keep going on and win over my mind and it did that for me.
Must Read: https://criticspace.com/category/blogs/
My Final Verdict: So I would definitely suggest this book to anybody because let’s face it, we all go through the game of mind every day, so why not have the mastery to play it and to play it well? So go and grab your copy today so that you too can win the game of life!
Author Name: Devika Das
Book Title: The Mind Game
Publisher: BlueRose, (2019)
Review By: Criticspace Journals