This story is the best example of true strength, perseverance and strong mind that alone can make you shine above all, no matter what stage or state of life you are in. This book helps you to understand that life always has a choice, it just depends upon you what you choose to be – a loser or a winner. It makes it very clear which path of the road you want to choose – one of hard work and hope or the other one of darkness and misery.
Life is something which requires a considerable amount of physical and mental effort. Some people are fortunate enough to have everything prepared for them. Such people have money and good health, whereas others have to work hardest from the start to get at least somewhere acceptable in this world. It not just depends upon how you were brought up into this world, it also depends more on how you lead it once you get a better grip of it and understanding of your position in this world. For some people life is full of stress and hardships, that are how life was for ‘Niranjan Nerlige‘, disable physically but not mentally. He is one such inspiration who didn’t choose to let life get him down. He is the best example of the phrase – when life gives you lemon, make it a lemonade.
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Niranjan, who wrote this book, also offers some methods to readers to lead a successful personal and professional life despite his physical challenge. He strongly believes in the following life lessons:
. Live your life with purpose,
. Know that limitations are in your mind not with the physical body,
. Ask yourself whether you want to be a victim or a victor?
. Know that love begets love, love knows no rules this is the same for all,
. Be open to the possibilities in your life,
. Know that happiness comes from within.
. Know that life is a roller-coaster ride and learn to enjoy the ride,
. Believe that life is worth living,
. Know that life begins only when you leave your comfort zone,
. Follow your passion and be the ‘Boss of your life’.
Niranjan wants you to realize your potential for greatness, to become unfazed by problems, difficulties, and to recognize and turn off your own internal negative dialogues about yourself. After reading this book, readers will understand how to learn to swim in this ocean of hurdles, to create a meaningful and beautiful life for themselves and also for the people around them. He strongly believes everyone has the potential to become unstoppable.
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This book shows the inspirational journey of this determined soul, in front of whom the word disable even equates to able. With apt depthless and true experiences, this book is written sincerely depicting life as it is, difficult but something to keep on moving with. The story takes you to a new level of understanding of your inner strength and ability as a human being. It makes you aware of your inner potential being, makes you realize you are not as weak as you believe to be, that life is worth living no matter how hard or cruel it might look.
The book awakens your insight from within, giving a new perspective on life. It will make you look at different situations and hassles of life, under the light of calmness and clear understanding. It encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and step up to face the risks in life, such risks which will only build you stronger as an individual and soul.
An inspiring story of how a physically challenged person overcame all odds to live a life of incredible achievement, success, and fulfilment. This book is packed with many unexpected twists and turns which tells you how ‘Niranjan Nerlige’ successfully faced the challenges and ordeals of his life. Confined to the Wheelchair he chose to be unstoppable.
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My Final Verdict: It’s a must read. His life experiences and adventures won’t fail to ignite the dulling flame of passion inside you. I am sure his story will serve as a meaningful inspiration to everyone.
Author Name: Niranjan Nerlige
Book Title: I Choose To Be Unstoppable
Publisher: Niranjan Nerlige V (2019)
Review By: Criticspace Journals