Title: Rejoice in Adversity, Triumph in War : A Military Memoir
Author: Rajpal Punia
Pages: 280 
Publisher: HarperCollins India
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“Rejoice in Adversity, Triumph in War” is a captivating and electrifying military memoir by Major General Rajpal Punia. Through a collection of fascinating anecdotes spanning almost four decades in the Indian army, Punia takes readers on a thrilling journey into the heart of a soldier’s life. From patrolling the challenging Line of Actual Control to undertaking United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in war-torn regions, Punia’s experiences showcase the true essence of the army as a way of life, not just a livelihood.

With vivid storytelling and firsthand accounts, the book offers a rare glimpse into the unpredictable and daring world of the armed forces. Punia’s achievements, including the peaceful evacuation of the Dera Sacha Sauda complex at Sirsa, exemplify his dedication and strategic prowess. This memoir is a testament to the courage, sacrifices, and unwavering commitment of the men and women who serve India’s armed forces.

“Rejoice in Adversity, Triumph in War” is a must-read for anyone intrigued by the remarkable individuals who protect our nation and the challenges they encounter. It leaves readers with a profound admiration for the brave souls who selflessly dedicate themselves to safeguarding our country’s borders and promoting peace around the globe.

About the Author: At the age of sixteen, Major General Rajpal Punia, YSM, a graduate of the Sainik School in Chittorgarh, was chosen for admission to the National Defense Academy at Khadakwasla.
He directed Operation Khukri. Along the Line of Actual Control, he oversaw the Indian Army’s oldest brigade’s defense against the Chinese. Both the United Nations Senior Mission Leaders course and the National Defence College course were attended by him. He has the honor of leading Hisar’s esteemed Armoured Division. He served in the Indian Army for 38 years, having a distinguished career. He has been writing about his military experiences from the very beginning of his career and is a skilled orator.
He is the author of the soon-to-be-made-into-a-movie book Operation Khukri: The True Story behind the Indian Army’s Most Successful Mission as Part of the United Nations, which was released by Penguin Random House India in 2021. Additionally, he wrote the book A Soldier Speaks: Dil Se, which Notion Press will release in 2022. The General Officer has written various publications and academic papers.

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