Recently we had got an opportunity to review the book “Making a Poem” by the reputed Indian poet Vihang A. Naik. The book was already published a long ago but recent republishing of this book is giving the modern-aged readers a great opportunity to read these amazing poems. As the truth has many faces and all of them are true like that poetry has many doors to be opened by the poets and all of them lead to the same destination – the good, the charming and the true. Poems by Vihang A. Naik are wonderful and mostly dedicated to the poets and poetry. It’s not too deep to confuse the readers with the pain of delayed decoding.
“Making a Poem” is a collection of 25 short poems by Vihang A. Naik which was published in 2018. The complete collection is divided into five different sections and the author has given the title to the sections as well along with individual poems. When I picked up this book, I was expecting something usual, traditional and casual. But it was quite surprising to me; I was drawn into reading the poetry collection.
A poet and the poem
A poet rhymes the women
And the man. You
Cannot make a poem
That would vanish in the night.
The woman and the image
The image and the man.
And in the dark an animal
With a long that salivates.
In this beautiful collection of poetry, you will also find the instances like this where the poet is actually reflecting upon the grim realities of this modern age where things have changed dramatically. These poems are very true and directly reach the heart of poetry lover. The author has the skill of picturisation in the poetry with his magical words. Here are some other lines, which have become my favourite.
In this age, dear reader
Do not look for a poet
Who would tell you
The secrets of a mermaid
Vihang A. Naik has written these lines which are mentioned above in his poetry collection “Making a Poem” that is dedicated to the readers; moreover, the beautiful poetic expression makes these lines further wonderful, packed with truth and displayed in a flash of the poetry. Well, I liked most of the poems in the collection very much – more than I have liked the recent poetry collections that I have read. Vihang A. Naik has a great technique of storytelling in verse and he has proved this in his short poems as well as the poems that narrate a kind of story.
There may be no critical views of these poems as the author has already an international presence in poetry writing, I personally found no negative marks to comment here. Nevertheless, the stuff which we find in his impressing poetry is stunning. The thoughts, the build, the analogies and the tremendous fusion of reality and imagination… all go to make “Making a Poem” a collection of poems which should be read by any good reader of poetry who wants to explore the modern examples of art called poetry writing!
The idea of naming the book by the author makes it amply clear that the author wants to present a specific view of the poet and poetry in front of the society. Now read and share this book as much as you can to show your support to the poet who has done this amazing job! You can buy the book from Amazon, links provided in the description.
My Review: I have already confessed that I did not find any negative marks throughout my reading so I will surely give 5/5 ratings to this amazing collection. I personally suggest all the poetry readers and the poets as well to give a try to this “Making a Poem” by Vihang A. Naik. You can enjoy it in just one or two sittings and it will leave a sweet smile on your face for sure. Happy Reading, Readers!
Author Name: Vihang A Naik
Book Title: Making A Poem
Publisher: Authorspress , 2018
Review By: Criticspace Journals