1. At the outset I would like to heartily thank you for enabling me to give shape to my dream in the form of this book, and that too, in a very smooth and effortless way. Right from the first day of the book launch, I, have been getting wonderful compliments from friends and family. This book has also increased my acquaintance with many other people on social media, many of whom have showed a keen desire to read the same. My children aged 15 and 11 years are too much excited to share it with their friends. As far as I am concerned, I feel I have been able a give my bit of honor to my Late grandparents, to whom this book is dedicated to. Overall, the response, so far has been unimaginably overwhelming.
2I never had any such ambition to become an author. But I did face some do or die situations in life, and I had to overcome those without much support from others. When I looked back, I realized that the whole process was just a way to show me that life is what we create it out to be. I wanted to share it with the world, and what could have been better then this literary platform. Lockdown gave me an opportunity to pen down my thoughts, and, hence this book – ‘’From Knowing to Glowing’’.
3. Writing have always fascinated me, right since I was pursuing my Post Graduation in English Literature. Being escapist in nature, writing poetry, came as a relief to me. During my college days, I was well known for writing lengthiest answers, with answer scripts running to more than 100 pages. Some of my poetry had been also published in coffee book edition at poetry.com. Apart from that I have written articles for some leading daily English newspapers. Some of my favorite topics have always been feminism, Nature, travelling, psychology and so on.
4. Being a strict disciplinarian by nature myself, the writings of Shri A P J Abdul Kalam have always fascinated me. His autobiography still intrigues me. The adventures of Jim Corbett are also very enticing. Shakespeare have always been my favorite author. That apart, I feel inspired by the writings of Robin Sharma. I feel deeply connected with his characters.
5. I did not face any mind boggling situation while deciding this title – FROM KNOWING TO GLOWING – as I knew the title should have some words associated with ‘Knowledge’ and ‘success’. As the motif of the book deals with the fact that once we Know the authentic genius within ourselves and apply the same in our life, Glow and abundance is an inevitable outcome. Hence, my only effort in deciding the title was to make it a bit catchy by throwing in some rhyming words.
6. This is my debut book, and I definitely look forward to write whatever seems to strike me in the future – whatever genre it may be. It simply has to move me from Inside!
7. By profession I am an advocate. Who knows I may end up writing a book on law. Nothing can be pre- planned or pre- decided, a lesson which Covid 19 pandemic have taught me. I take life as it comes, and indulge in what gives me happiness and fulfillment. When I started writing this book, I started it just as a way to take give vent to my pent -up emotions – I had never planned of getting it published. But as the writing proceeded, so did my intentions of sharing my lessons with the world.
8. Currently I am not working on any book. Right now I have some important court cases to deal with. My another hobby being canvas oil painting, I also indulge into it and paint for my customers. But as poetry gives me a lot of solace and an opportunity to enjoy the bliss of solitude, my next writing could be a compilation of poems- all soaked into nature.
9. Every century writing has its own unique way of portraying its story- the setting, the characters, the incidents, the social and moral message it intends to convey, the vocabulary used – all have their particular characteristics. Definitely Indian writing in the 21st century is different in the way that its message and characters deal with the contemporary aspects of the society. For instance, the ghosts and demons of traditional writings have been now replaced by the psychological workings of the mind- the aspect of split personality. In the modern technological society where mental anxieties and depressions have become very much rampant, efforts are now made in the present century writings to shift back to spirituality, self- discipline and plain living- something that was never an issue in traditional writings. The modern writers have a more practical outlook, a bit deviated from the world of imaginations and fantasies.
10. Publishing the instant book has been a smooth journey, though not without constant efforts and inputs. Every bit was a learning and an enjoyable process. But what was truly blissful was seeing my dream turning into a reality in the form of this book.
My message to the budding author would be that nothing in life comes without hard work, constancy and dedication. But what is most important is to have a positive outlook in whatever project you decide to take up. There might be phases of self -doubt and lack of drive during your journey, but if you have the audacity to dream, nothing can stop you from moving ahead. Where there is a will, there is a way.