Title: Bad Liars -One Murder Three Liars
Author: Vikrant Khanna
Pages: 216
Publisher: Penguin Metro Reads 
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About the book: When the dead body of a famous fund manager, Anant Kapoor, is found in his house, it isn’t hard for the police to pin the murder on his wife. She has no alibi, and she is the direct beneficiary of his death. But when the police look deeper, they discover two more suspects just as likely to commit the crime. With no sound motive and contradictory statements from the three suspects, the police must dig deeper into their history, and what they find is rather chilling and perplexing at the same time.
Who killed Anant, and more importantly, why?


About the author: Vikrant Khanna is a captain in the merchant navy. He was brought up in Delhi and studied in Tagore International School, Vasant Vehar. His first book “When life tricked me” is a national bestseller and has been widely appreciated. His interests apart from writing include playing guitar, composing songs, cooking and teaching underprivileged children.

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