Neha Sharma: Hello Kavita. First and foremost, Congratulations for successfully bringing-out a fabulous compilation of your real life instances and the message you wanted to convey to the readers based on them. What was the source of idea to compile them in the form of a book? Was it a childhood dream or it happened eventually?
Kavita: Hi, thank you so much for the appreciation. I am actually indebted to so many people for bringing out the author in me. Never in my dreams had I ever thought of writing a book, but life teaches everything and it is unpredictable. I have not been an exception to this. Combatting some of the do or die situations in life, right from the childhood days, had inflated so much of emotional baggage within me that the Lockdown phase provided a perfect time to deflate the same into the form of this book. I feel much lighter now, emotionally, and I have become a very happy person after writing this book.
Neha Sharma: You have described numerous phases of life when you had to fight a lot of negativity to be through. What was your biggest strength or set of strengths that helped you make way through it?
Kavita: My grandparents have always been exceptionally strong and disciplined, with a never- quit attitude. My grandfather had also participated in India’s struggle for independence. Perhaps, I had inherited some of their qualities. Moreover, the strong bonding, love and emotional support that I share with my husband and children have helped me wade through the storms of life.
Neha Sharma:Out of all the achievements and self-discoveries so far, at what point in life you had felt the most positive?
Kavita: I felt most positive after I started taking some spiritual lessons of Shri Nirmala Mataji in Sahaj Yoga centre during the roughest phase of my life. It gave me so much of strength and positivity that I was able to overcome the situation brilliantly. Thereafter, I also read Bhagavad Gita in Lockdown. Gradually, I started paying attention to the philosophical quotes of some Great thinkers. In fact, I have got numerous posters of positive quotes framed and hung on the wall of my children’s room to inculcate a positive vibe within them too. But, I felt most positive, when lately, my friends and relatives have started sharing their problems with me, with an utmost faith of finding a positive solution.
Neha Sharma: What values would you suggest the readers to inculcate in kids, starting from the right time, based on the experiences specified in the book?
Kavita: Getting up early by sunrise, having timely meals, getting at least 2 hours of physical activity in an open space, limiting mobile phones and television usage, taking protein- enriched home – made food and going off to bed by 9 pm – all these habits are extremely essential for kids, right from an early age. Most important for parents is not to leave the kids in the care of nanny- you have to give personal attention to every basic need of the child and motivate them to take up some sort of creative activity.
Neha Sharma: When you discovered your willingness to lose weight and found out the ways to go for it, how did you manage to maintain the determination? I mean, there would have been times when you felt like giving up, right?
Kavita: I started losing weight so drastically, that never for once I felt like giving up. Rather, it was a sublime feeling- a dream was coming true! Moreover, I started getting so many compliments from everyone around, it further encouraged me to push myself all the more. A memorable moment was when my college Principal mam, Mrs. Chowdhury called me in her office to guide her on how to lose weight.
Neha Sharma: How would you connect Knowledge with Glow in a single line, if asked to? Is it possible? May be, few lines?
Kavita: Knowledge gives one power and success. Once we are aware of or have knowledge of our own strengths and weaknesses, we can turbo change our life accordingly. Moreover, it is eternal, it glows every aspect of one’s life.
Neha Sharma: Who is your favourite contemporary writer apart from yourself? Do you feel your writings inspired by him or her in any way?
Kavita: I like the writings of Robin Sharma. I think I can identify with his thought process. My life has been so much like the life of the monk in ‘’the monk who sold his ferrari’’. I also like Vikram Seth’s portrayal of society.
Neha Sharma: What do you like to do in your free time, if not writing?
Kavita: I like to read and cook in my free time. My family loves the food I cook – especially, the traditional Marwari dishes. I think I can cook south Indian and Italian dishes quite well. I have also revived painting during Lockdown – a hobby in which I always indulged in during childhood. Sometimes, I play guitar too. Lately, I have also taken up gardening as a hobby, as it gives immense me peace and positivity.
Neha Sharma: There has been a huge gap between the completion year of your education and commencement of your profession i.e. law. Did you face any hurdles because of this gap or it rather helped you in some way? How do you look at it?
Kavita: After completing Post Graduation in English in 2013, I was working as a lecturer of English. But as was destined, after taking up LLB in 2016, I am now a practicing advocate of Calcutta High Court. This gap actually helped me immensely. Initially, I had only theoretical knowledge without much experience, but now after this lapse on 13 years, I have gained a lot of practical knowledge. And Law is such a profession where practising in court is completely different from getting a degree.
Neha Sharma: Would you like to say anything to your readers here? Would you like to share when can they expect your next book coming out?
Kavita: Life is unpredictable- a lesson that Covid 19 has taught us. So be happy and positive. Hard work, consistency and dedication is mandatory to achieve anything in life. And please wait for my next book, I hope to surprise you soon with the same.
Neha Sharma: Sincere thanks for your precious time and effort to make this interview happen. Wish you all the best for all your present and future endeavours.
Kavita: Thank you so much. I appreciate the same.
Book Title: From Knowing To Glowing
Author Name: Kavita Saraff
Reviewed By: Neha Sharma
Published By: Evincepub Publishing
Order On: Amazon