Author’s Background: The Author, Arun Warikoo was born in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, while currently he lives in Princeton, New Jersey, United States with his wife and two kids. Apart from being an author, he is also a nature lover and a Cyber-Security Specialist by profession. He loves to paint landscapes in his spare time.
Author Arun Warikoo holds a Master’s from University of Colorado, Boulder, a Diploma holder from CDAC, Bangalore and a Bachelor’s from Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad. He did his schooling from the Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, New Delhi and Burn Hall School, Srinagar.
His poems are widely published in “Poemist” – A social publishing network that connects amateur poets and serves information about poetry, poets and their poems and elsewhere. His poetry collection book, A BEAUTIFUL HEART is his debut book, which is a collection of forty-five beautiful poems, written on four themes; family bonds, spirituality, nature and inner strength!
Neel Preet: First of all, Big Congratulations to you Arun Sir on your debut book, “A Beautiful Heart” you’ve achieved something remarkably huge! What responses are you getting from this book of yours? Please share your experience about this book.
Arun Warikoo: Thank you Neel. I am getting a good response from the readers both in India as well as in the United States. Readers have liked my style of writing which is rooted in being simple and uncomplicated. I am truly humbled by the response and reactions I am getting from the book reading events.
Neel Preet: I’ve read your book and I genuinely feel that it’s a wonderful collection of “Emotional and Inspirational Poems” so my next question to you is that what inspired you to write these poems? What was the impetus behind this work of yours?
Arun Warikoo: Thanks again Neel. My poetic journey started 4 years back, believe it or not, in a train while commuting to my office. “Shiva” was my first poem that I penned down while sitting on that train. It started from there and I have not looked back since then.
Neel Preet: You have given a very interesting title to your Poetry-Collection Book, which is undoubtedly very catchy so, what made you go for this title for your book?
Arun Warikoo: One, these poems have come straight from my heart. Two, the themes in this collection talk about inner beauty.
Neel Preet: Not a lot writers and authors are coming out with Poetry Collection book these days while you did so, which I believe is a bold step. So, my next question to you is that why did you choose Poetry to express yourself? And why not Short-Stories when that too could have served the purpose?
Arun Warikoo: I believe poetry is a strong tool to convey your emotions. Poetry is an art form that can inspire, educate, and elevate a reader’s mind to greater things themselves.
Neel Preet: Sir your writing seemed to be really impeccable and you were bold with your poems in your book, which I really appreciate. Therefore, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you and whom you follow!
Arun Warikoo: I am inspired by Rumi and Khalil Gibran.
Neel Preet: Is there any message which you would like to convey to your readers? Or any piece of advice, which you would like to give to the readers out there!
Arun Warikoo: Always believe in yourself, be authentic and love yourself!
Neel Preet: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.
Arun Warikoo: At this point, I have not thought of writing any other book.
Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all my questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!
Arun Warikoo: Thanks Neel, I appreciate it.
Author Name: Arun Warikoo
Book Title: A Beautiful Heart
Interviewed By: Neel Preet Publisher: Bluerose Publishers; First Edition (16 December 2020)
Order On: Amazon