Author Background: Dr. Vipin Gupta is an eminent professor of management and co-director of the Centre for Global Management at the Jack H. Brown College of Business and public administration, California State University. He is here with us to talk about his book, Is Divine Energy.


Que: Congratulations, Dr. Gupta, on your book. You have published so many articles and books previously; I would like to know if you still feel the same kind of excitement as another book of yours comes into the market?
Dr. VipinFirst of all, I thank you very much for being an integral part of my journey.  The purpose of writing each of the books is to illuminate the consciousness of the people about the factors shaping their present, destiny, divinity, and eternity.   The excitement of accomplishing a milestone and being liberated to pursue the next is always a constant factor.  

Que: What is this 12 book project all about?
Dr. VipinTwelve is a unique number. It is about making one into two by bringing the hidden potential of the same value as the one.  One seems to be shudra, virtually an illusion of little value.   Potential seems to be the future everybody is seeking by transforming the one we have into the wish for what we do not have.  At the beginning of each new year, we celebrate the arrival of the one, as if we have finally found everything we ever wished and things will be better from now onwards.  As the year progresses, month by month, we experience ups and downs in our life.  We wish for the 12 to make a fresh beginning, with only the ups and skipping the downs.  

Have you ever wondered if you are the one enjoying an up, then isn’t there another one who must be experiencing a down.  Who is that another one?  Why does another one accept the down?  Does that another wish for an up as a subsequent reward?  Is it possible for everyone to enjoy an up and no one to experience a down?  If only time is going down, as both you and I are enjoying the up, then isn’t time the one making two of us enjoy what we wish?  If the time has the power to make two enjoy what they wish, then doesn’t time has the potential to make the whole infinity of ones enjoy what each one wishes individually.  

Now, what happens when each one develops the consciousness of what the others have wished.  Each may decide to wish the infinity, comprising the ones, for themselves.  Then the time may take the one it is adding to fill the gap in you doing nothing while I work for my wish and begin circulating it for just about zero moments among everyone.   Everyone begins believing that it has found infinity but is never able to experience it.   Yet when I see everybody talking about the infinity they have found, I may stop my work and wish that I had also joined everybody in discovering the elusive infinity, confident about my fortune in realizing what I wish.   

When I stop my work and join everybody, time is left with nothing to circulate since the one it was circulating was the one I was producing to fulfill my wish.   When the time comes to a complete stop and stops going down, everybody wonders why there is no further discovery.   After discovering that I am the only one who has stopped doing what I was doing, everybody realizes that I was the cause previously unknown.  By doing what I was doing, everybody enjoys the potential for adding zero as the circular growth to being just one.  That ten is the divine energy.  A body that devotes divine energy to enjoy the potential to double the thing becomes the guiding spirit for everybody.  If we take out everybody and the body from the guiding spirit, we get to 18, both the cause (nidana) and the potential (AUM).

Our potential (18) is to make one (1) that we have become into an octave (8) that constitutes our essential nature.  When we realize our potential, we realize our “essence” (16 = 8 * 2) of the double-octave that makes you the universe that knows the secret I wish to illuminate through this 12 book project.   The first twelve books are about the self-luminous potential within Mother Nature.  There will be six additional books for revealing Mother Nature’s full potential.   They will be about the luminous potential we create with our supernatural effort to accomplish what we wish, without knowing whether our wish is the potential we wish to experience.  For if it is not, our wish may become the cause of our degeneration, decay, and death.  Just like in the current COVID context.  Some put themselves and others at risk with their wish to test their immunity by demonstrating their freedom to defy common sense.

Que: Is Divine Energy is the fourth book. What are the essential features to look forward to?
Dr. VipinWhile we are playing with the magic of numbers, it will be amiss if one does not note the benefits of being the fourth in a sequence.  We know that one is the labor of love that requires proportionate work energy.  Without the one, there can’t be the second; leave alone the fourth.  When we document our first experience, the second one becomes the knower of the secret of each one.  A third one may ask how an inanimate one has a consciousness to greet potentially an infinity of ones that come after that.   The fourth one might become animate by developing a theoretical consciousness that the inanimate one does indeed has a greeter consciousness.  

The fifth one might discover that there is indeed a word in Vedic manuscripts for the greeter consciousness, namely, Pratyagatma.  The sixth one might correlate the theoretical consciousness with the secondary or creator consciousness that uses theory for developing the paternal consciousness of what the child who has lost contact with the inanimate one will go through.   The child born later does not know with certainty that the inanimate one did greet everyone, including the first one as the maternal spirit.  The seventh one might explain with certainty that the theoretical consciousness, the creator consciousness, and the paternal consciousness are all essentially equivalent concepts, known as Pitr in Vedic manuscripts.  The eighth one might add that the greeter consciousness is also the holistic or the circulating consciousness. It circulates in diverse forms to constitute an infinity of ones.   

The ninth one might build on the prior findings to clarify that infinity is also circular.  If something goes in in a circle, anybody will find what goes in a circle to be infinity, with a beginning but no end.  The tenth one might discover that there is indeed a word in Vedic manuscripts for something with a beginning but no end.  That word is Ananta.  One of its English translations is infinity.   However, the most common understanding of the Vedic word is limitless.  

The eleventh one might stand apart as an authoritative text, asserting that the appropriate Vedic translation for the word limitless is Aditi, which is limitless infinity.   One may ask what so different about the limited infinity constituted by dividing a circle into eight parts.  The first four parts are within the imagination horizon of the one.  Another one is discovering the second four for expanding its imagination horizon.  Then, the constant one decides to incarnate as the third one to experience the first four in the light of the second four.  The variable one eventually decides to apply the same program to traverse the second fourth again secretly.  The objective is to revisit the gravitational light that curved the original experience of the first four and made the constant one a variable one.  By traversing the whole circular octave, half of which is illuminated and half is immanent within one’s consciousness, one becomes the creator of the maternal consciousness.  One becomes aware of the entire secret of Mother Nature, including the one free from any light mediation and another mediated by the diverse light colors.  

The twelfth one might make the technique for deciphering the meaning of the limitless infinity evident to everybody who has been diligently following the first eleven in its intended sequence.  The limited infinity forms through the consciousness of the entire octave possible to create as an endless infinity by just reproducing one digit.  The limitless infinity is the octave of possibility that conceives the child element as its 1/8th part that plays with that one digit without any distraction.  The goal is to enjoy the limitless joy Mother Nature gifts as a primordial deity to make each one of us potentially a primordial-primordial deity.

After the first phase of this project, some may wish for a shortcut for fast-tracking their wisdom.   That will motivate me to add a second phase to this project, covering the following six books.  Else, the first twelve books should be sufficient for future generations to figure out what else there is to know about the beauty of Mother Nature.   

Que: You have a high-profile profession; a hectic schedule. How easy or difficult is writing for you?
Dr. VipinWriting is my passion.  Writing helps to bring clarity that does not exist before.   Once written, it becomes critical to ensure that it is measurable. Its value must be verifiable by future generations when I may not be there to clarify what I am writing.  Therefore, I must maintain a dictionary of the vocabulary used in the project, the meaning of each word, the alternative meanings and words, and the measurable value.  

Further, I must validate the measurable value using both ancient manuscripts and modern scientific findings and clarify the sequence of events.   To a reader, that may appear protracted and complex.   However, once one reads the full manuscript carefully, one will find the values in the brackets that make it self-evident how various concepts are interrelated.   Sometimes, I just let the writing flow without worrying about the ability of the people to verify its authenticity because once those concepts are clear, the natural process becomes intuitive and self-substantiating.   No external validation is necessary.   

We all know Mother Nature exists.  Seeking to validate that will only be a waste of our time and energy.   It is, at best, a theoretical exercise of zero value.   We could assume that Mother Nature is Father Nature and that a masculine entity can sexually reproduce both the masculine and the feminine entities.   That each odd number in the sequence, starting the inanimate one, is masculine.  Each even number is feminine.   If I write the thirteenth book, it will become evident that this is indeed true.  But one does not need me to find that out.   

In ancient Vedic manuscripts, odd numbers are masculine and lucky.  Even numbers are feminine and unlucky.   No wonder, Vedic civilization was and is a male-dominated universe, just like Mother Nature, who herself is an animate entity with a masculine, assertive nature.  She naturally brings each of her children within her fold, showing who is the master of everyone’s destiny.   If she wished to make writing difficult for me, then naturally, I will never get to the fourteenth book.   However, suppose she makes the right conditions for my writing to continue so that everyone may enjoy the marvels of her beauty through my color. In that case, the fifteenth book will be a compendium on the science of colors. The sixteenth will focus on the science of beauty.  The seventeenth on the science of writing.  The eighteenth on the science of being who we indeed are—the maternal essence of Father Nature.

Que: All your previous publications are academic. Who is your target audience?
Dr. VipinFor an academic, each person in the world is a target audience.  The role of an academic is to be an educator, an illuminator, and an absolute guru, always there as a twin body with anybody who is confused and wishes the clarified consciousness for discerning the reality and living life joyfully.   

Que: Talking about divinity, deity, and supreme power somehow showcases you as a very religious person. What is your take on religion?
I will not refer to myself as a religious person.   I do not follow any of the religious codes.   Yes, the dominant religion of India, the country of my birth, is Hinduism. That has made me conscious of the uniqueness of the Vedic ethos.  The Vedic ethos is more than the Hindu or Indian ethos.  The term Vedic is all-inclusive of the undivided cultural heritage of India.   The undivided cultural heritage of India over time got differentiated into different religions and religious sects.   Further, it diffused through cultural exchange and appropriation to all parts of the world over the long history of human civilization, as affirmed by the archeological, historical, and cultural accounts.   

The Vedic universe is the totality of what remains in India, what diffused internationally to form the collective world heritage, what has gone missing over the years, and what was known but never articulated.   Therefore, if I take a religious approach, I limit myself and shut my mind to the possibility of illumination that the diverse religions and their teachings have to offer.   And, if I say that I am devoted to all the religions, it would not be appropriate. All religions illuminate our consciousness.   However, religions limit our consciousness by making dubious claims and were originally crafted and subsequently recrafted to answer the difficult questions for which nobody had answers.   Yet, giving some answers was critical for the people to keep faith and devotion in what was known to be the reality.    Therefore, any religion is a mix of both known and unknown reality. Some of the known reality is the illusionary reality, and some of the unknown reality one needs to know to understand the essence of the reality.  Once one understands the essence, one may need to transform everything known and conceive a new religion based on the essence.   Of course, each group may prioritize different types of essence, such as the maternal or the paternal or the child essence, differently.   If such nuances need to be clarified, then a tertiary service-oriented third phase of the project will be necessary.   

Que: How important you think reading is to become a good writer?
Dr. VipinReading is second nature for one who has become a good writer.  If you are a good reader, then you can’t be a good writer.  Reading requires you to be a recipient of what you are reading.  You take the reading on its face value, modified by the authority of the person who has written or has endorsed the writing. Writing requires you to be an active participant in the script you are reading, making critical comments. Even otherwise, once you write after diligent reading, what you write becomes a part of your consciousness and shapes how you read once more.   

Eventually, you get to a stage where you are reading what you are writing as you go along.  Each word you write is a revelation to you as an author. It was not a part of your consciousness from the past but a sequential effect of the conscious effort to manifest something of value.   If you do not understand what you are writing, then it is a signal to revisit your writing with a fresh mind.  What you have written comes from your higher consciousness.  At that level of consciousness, the concepts are abstract because they are general and not specific to a context.  Once you revisit those concepts given the context of your audience, taking yourself as the audience who must understand what your high self is illuminating based on wisdom immanent within you, then the reading and the writing become one.   

Que: When and why did you start writing?
Dr. VipinThat looks like a rhetorical question!  So, let me have some fun with it.  I must have started writing very early in my childhood.  My father and mother were both educators.  My father taught at the higher education level, using practical examples for educating even the illiterate farmers since he is an agricultural engineer.    My mother taught at the primary school level, later moving to teach higher levels in the school up to K-12, again making things elementary to understand to even a child.   Interesting, my wife says she started to speak at the age of six months and write soon after.   I was not in the first quadrant of child development like her.  Yet, I must have been at least in the fourth quadrant, or else I would not have progressed further.  

Que: What or who inspires you the most in your life?
Dr. VipinThe opportunities to develop and grow are what inspire me the most.  They keep me focused.   Of course, I can’t keep my focus without the support of my wife, Bhakti.  She is very devoted to living her life with the utmost discipline.   She always inspires me.   Even though she says, I inspire her to be engaged productively every moment.   The mutual inspiration is what inspires us both to be one as a couple!

Que: As you have already published books independently, please tell us the pros and cons of self-publishing.
Dr. VipinI have published seventeen books through leading publishers worldwide.  For this project, I decided on the self-publishing route because I know the significance of this work. I want 100% freedom in deciding what I do with the materials in the project, especially from a pricing perspective.  I have priced the ebooks at virtually throwaway prices to allow the masses to access them.  I have also priced the paperback and the hardcover very competitively — the prices will be at least double if I had gone through a leading publisher.   One works with a leading publisher when one does not have confidence in what one has done and needs the reputation and the resources of that publisher to market the book.   I am not focused on marketing the books.  

I am focused on bringing awareness about what the project I am working on is about and the path-breaking findings that the books present. Self-publishing decision has brought me in touch with the remarkable ecosystem of individuals, groups, and organizations that complement good writing in ways that the leading publishers cannot.   I am grateful to Mother Nature for letting me experience both worlds.

Author: Dr Vipin Gupta
Interviewed by: Aashi Dewangan

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