There are times in life when many face an existential crisis and are unable to understand how and why things are going about for them. They try to seek answers of hope for a ray of hope, a light to guide them through the trouble situations, or the crisis that they face. Some are lucky to find people to help them through while some still keep struggling in the dark. “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne is one such book that comes as a lifesaver to all those people who look for such guiding light.

The basic idea that runs throughout the book and around which the entire concept of the book revolves around is the law of attraction. As per the writer, it is more about how the universe will help a person get what they want if they clearly know it themselves first. Sometimes it sounds like the Paulo Coelho concept is resonating. To make her point clear, the author refers to different personalities and their words time and again,

“Whenever you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right.” (Henry Ford)


“When people start focusing on what they want, what they don’t want falls away, and what they want expands, and the other part disappears.” (Jack Canfield)

another good line,

“You become what you think about most… But you also attract what you think about most.” (John Assaraf)


“You are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David you are sculpturing is you” (Dr. Joe Vitale)


“You will attract everything that you require. If it’s money you need you will attract it. If it’s people you need you’ll attract it.” (Bob Proctor)

The book has the ability to transform the lives of the readers as it gives a different perspective to see things and learn from them. The book becomes a counselor to help people in keeping the positive spirit alive in them even in matters where everything seems dark and uncertain. In this manner, the book becomes a lifesaver, a survival guide, a helping hand through the journey of life and a counselor to help when anyone is in stress. 

The language of the book and the vocabulary used is also friendly to the understanding of the readers and they can easily understand what the author is trying to say. Since the book is born out of true and real experiences, the book comes across as very realistic and close to life. Such books have a strong potential to stand the test of time as their subject is very universal in nature. All the factors contribute and the book will continue to be a popular and recommended read for not only this generation but also for coming many generations.

The author gives words to the most powerful and influential thoughts that can cast a very strong and lasting effect on the mind of a person for a long time. On the basis of her acquired wisdom, she tells the readers the various things she has felt as times have changed for her and how these words of wisdom can help others too. Some of these lines are,

“There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change!” And another, “Remember that your thoughts are the primary cause of everything.” Also, “To be a magnet for every single thing you deserve, you must be a magnet of love.” Another one, “Every thought of yours is a real thing – a force.”

The presence of such powerful lines ensures that the reader ends up underlining them all and keep getting back to the book time and again just to refer to the lines and to experience the powerful effect yet again. This book is one of the few that can make a person understand the power that is within him and how he can use it. The only prerequisite is, to know exactly what he wants. Or else, as per the author, the universe can also get confused as to what the person wants. For some, it can be a complete life changer while for the others, it may be about learning new things and implementing them.

This is one of the few books that every person should have in their bookshelves. Elder or younger, every person can feel the effects and changes that reading the book brings inside them and they become a better version of themselves. In this modern time when there are much more stress and worry in the lives of many, if a simple thing as reading a book can bring positive changes in a person’s life and make it much better than earlier then there can be nothing better than that. 

Author Name:   Rhonda Byrne 
Book Title:  The Secret
Publisher: Simon & Schuster; UK ed. edition
Paperback: 198 pages  
Review by:  Criticpsace Journal

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