Most of the writings in today’s time are about people writing about what they think and feel. Few give others that kind of an opportunity. Aditya Jain’s anthology, “Perspective in Visuals, Tripod Stories” is a brilliant collection of works of 100 budding artists. In the brief introduction he gives before the series of writings start, he clearly states that it is injustice if a story by any writer is left untold. He follows this strongly and does absolute justice when he selected and added the 100 writers in his book.

An observable fact about this book is the how author has used the power of words, the magic of literature in showing how it can connect people and it also enforces the fact that everyone is an equal. The way the author brings together so many different writers from different corners of the country and also from different parts of the globe shows that literature knows no borders, and does not discriminate on any possible basis. If a person knows using a pen to give words to what he/she feels, that is enough to connect him/her to any person in any part of the world. The writers put together here belong to different fields of work and diverse professions but all of them share one thing in common which most of them have stated when they shared about themselves which is, their passion for writing. This passion for writing, this ability in them to express themselves is what adds to the beauty, appeal and distinguishes this anthology from others written.

Undisputedly, the author has taken great pains and made a lot of efforts in selecting and putting 100 worthy writers together. He has elected all of them very carefully and with the best of his prudence which has added quality to his anthology. He makes sure all of the artists follow the central theme of the work “imagination” by either writing prose or poetry or taking pictures, but at the same time ensures that their creative side does not get overshadowed.

Most of the writers in the anthology are of the younger age group, students to be specific or the ones who have just finished their studies. But the maturity of thought they have displayed through their works is a rare combination. They give insights like a wise person. This is where the genius of Jain deserves more praise for having found 100 of such artists.

At times this collection of budding writers and artists reminds of the University wits like Christopher Marlowe and at the same time of the promising English romantic poets like Keats, Byron or Shelly. The anthology writers are younger ofcourse but the exhibit traits of recklessness, carefree attitude and daring spirit of taking challenges at any step of life and these characteristics were found only in University wits and the romantics.

The author has not just taken poems in his collection but also added short prose and at times, simply photographs taken by the artists. Hence categorizing this anthology as a poetry anthology would not be fair. Even if artists have contributed a photograph, they are such which can be explained and interpreted at length like artwork. He has included different themes of writing which include nature, women, emotions, loneliness, darkness, nostalgia, motivation, issues of social relevance etc.

There is some information about the artist before his/her work. This is from where the reader can get a little idea about the life of the artists and also the circumstances which contributed in their writing.

The cover has been kept simple and less shady implying that life is also beautiful when there are a few colors. It could also mean most people may have experienced a few common shades of life which makes them connect more easily. The language is simple and easy to understand but some poems have a lot of depth and at times, the subjects tend to get quite serious and thought-provoking. So even though the appeal of the book will definitely be among the age groups of the artists themselves but at the same time also among people of older ages due to the nature of content.

  • Paperback: 243 pages
  • Publisher: Evincepub Publishing (22 December 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9389482976
  • ISBN-13: 978-9389482973
  • Amazon Link: Buy on Amazon

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