Author’s Background: The Author, who goes by the Pen Name of ACEFLIPPER91 is an optimistic person, who believes in the Truth & Transparency. The Author urges us to be the protagonist in our lives by accepting our mistakes and taking measures to rectify them. Also, the Author advocates the philosophy that the present is the most accurate time to take turn in the right direction and set foot to the right path towards the future.
Neel Preet: First of all, Big Congratulations on your book, “LUCIFER’S OWN HEART: Our Emotions Are Gift As Well As Curse… Forbidden To Use” ACEFLIPPER91! What responses are you getting from this book of yours? Please share your experience about this book.
ACEFLIPPER91: Thank you Neel Preet. About this book, many found this book helpful and reviews are really good. I got all positive feedback about this book. Everyone likes this book as it’s like support system in everyone’s life. Few of my friends appreciated my book as it helped them get over everything. This book is short, simple and best self help book. This book is not a fun to read book but it is the best help book. It concentrates on helping out others and pulling them from the depths of dark corners.
I got more fan following after this book. This book is an hour read only. Those who are in it understands better. I have written this book in a manner that by the end of this book reader must feel happy and pick up where they left of and move on. This book did help few to move on and they are very happy in their life. It’s a holy book of evil.
I meant a bright side of the darkness. A light guiding readers away from the darkness.
This is one beautiful book….. everyone must own it.
I have made this book free to read so everyone can help themselves. It is absolutely free to read online in Amazon kindle.
Neel Preet: I’ve read your book and I found out that it’s an unusual “Self-Help Book” so my next question to you is that what inspired you to write a book like this? What was the impetus behind this work of yours?
ACEFLIPPER91: Actually, I went through something like that which was difficult and painful. But it was momentary. I have seen people suffering from such pain for years pointlessly. I want to help them all in my own way. I came out of it quickly and as early as possible. I found a way to overcome such burden. I wrote it into a book. Reading this book feels like having a conversation with a close friend who bug you till you understand. It’s like listening to someone close who share his problem first, explains the reality, support us and finally guide us out of it. I believe this book will bring change in everyone’s life.
This has a wide scope and I believe everyone in their life will face it and few few will overcome while others suffer from it for very long.
This book is simple and easy to read. A ready support system.
I want to help everyone out there. So, I wrote this book to help others.
Neel Preet: You have written about the real meaning of love and its challenges, as per your interpretation so, what made you go for a topic like this in your book?
ACEFLIPPER91: I have seen and heard many stories, sufferings and tragedies. After coming out of my sufferings. I sat alone and did a quick recap of all those stories I heard from others. I did notice many suffered. I wanted to help everyone. I did dig deep inside this topic and filtered out all bad and unnecessary stuff. After which I compiled everything into one short pocketbook. Readers need to read this book that’s all. I guarantee that everyone will come out of their pain.
Hope is beautiful and help is a wonderful gift.
I do give both of them in my book.
I have done my research accounting all real stories I have heard from others and I did come up with solutions to every problem. I can say that this book is complete and perfect.
There is actually nothing much to discover in this topic. Trust me the more you dig in; more you will get corrupted and tempted to experience this emotion.
That’s why I named our heart as LUCIFER’S OWN HEART.Beware of it…
Neel Preet: These days, we see a lot of people complaining about their relationship problems. So, while writing this book what was your mind-set? Is it based on any particular experience of yours?
ACEFLIPPER91: Yes, you are absolutely right. I believe in a relationship everyone will face problems but they need to learn to face those problems and overcome those problems. I have mentioned all the misunderstandings one face is a relationship in my book and made it very clear. What they truly seek in a relationship. They need to understand the meaning of relationship. If their interest is based on their belief, they have to seek what they believe in. I have made clear how vague a relationship can be in my book. You need to understand what you seek in a relationship and what your partner seeks in you. Don’t hurt each other’s emotions.
I can say that, I have seen people fail to understand each other in general more than particular. I have seen many fails in understanding the relationship and spend most of their valuable moments in life trying to find right one for them.
There is no trust in a relationship too. Which once was believed to be trust worthy. Those times in 90’s love stories were simply awesome. Thinks have changed a lot lately. They don’t even know what they look in a relationship. In this book I have tried to make them understand where they are failing and why they should be crystal clear in their intention. They need not break themselves. They need not rush into pointless relationship stuff. They have a bright future ahead.
They are trying to find a perfect match, a perfect person compatible for themselves in a relationship. They forget the main ingredient in a relationship. That is love and compromise. How perfect you may think a person can be. I 100 percent guarantee you that no one will be perfect for you.
Find the one, who is worth fighting for, who is worth sharing things. Who is worth putting your complete trust in them?
Our heart, belongs to the devil himself. The more you dig deeper; more dark and scarier it goes…
Neel Preet: ACEFLIPPER91 your writing seemed to be really impeccable and you were bold with your writings in your book, which I really appreciate. So next, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you and whom you follow!
ACEFLIPPER91: Thank you Neel Preet, but do you know what you can actually say that there is an author who haven’t read a single book but writes one. I haven’t read any novels or book. I simply don’t want to say that this guy inspired me. This and that. It was random and unexpected. I couldn’t believe I got into this field. I enjoy this field and love to keep on writing. As I mentioned in my book. I don’t really read any other novels and I don’t know much about other authors. Would like to discover in the future and read their work. But I believe my own way and I want to project my things than read someone’s book and get inspired and write based on their work. But I honour and appreciate other authors and their work. But I am not much of a reader.
Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all my questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!
ACEFLIPPER91: Thank you Neel Preet, really enjoyed talking to you about my book.