Books that Steve Jobs has suggested
A college dropout who with his intelligence, hard work, and dedication changed the technology business to a whole new level. Steven Paul Jobs, born on 24th February was brought up by adoptive parents who loved him unconditionally and supported him with all his decisions. Despite not being so financially strong they still fulfilled his dream of acquiring higher education at Reed College. Steve drop out of his college and focused on learning technology, computers, and software. He spent his entire childhood in Silicon Valley amongst engineers and tech workers therefore he was always interested in technologies and computers.
Apple Inc. was founded by Stephen Woznaik and Steve Jobs in 1976. The iPhone, iPad, and Macintosh computers were all developed by Apple Computer Inc., an American manufacturer of computers and consumer devices. With a market cap of more than $2 trillion, Apple is among the biggest businesses in the world. Mac was developed in 1984 by Jobs.
Steve also developed two leading companies after leaving Apple. NeXT and Pixar respectively. Jobs intended to build computers for research institutions and universities through NeXT. It’s amazing to think that NeXTSTEP and NeXT managed to squeak by for a few more years despite different plans to run it on PCs. But that all came to a stop in December 1996 when Apple acquired NeXT for $429 million plus 1.5 million shares of Apple stock. It acquired NeXTSTEP.
A division of Walt Disney Productions, Pixar Animation Studios is an American producer of computer-animated movies with offices in Emeryville, California. The company has won 27 Academy Awards, 8 Golden Globes, and 3 Grammy Awards among many other accolades and recognitions. PIXAR was invented by Jobs in 1986 a computer graphics firm that made the first full-length film to be completely computer-animated. Later Steve rejoined Apple as a consultant after the company’s failure. He then introduced iTunes, iPod, and touchscreen phones, which is now one of the most demanding mobile phones in the world known as the iPhone.
Steve improved user experience, redefined computing, and produced goods and services that are adored by millions of people all over the globe. With the iPod, iPhone, and Pixar Animation Studios, he revolutionized the movie, mobile phone, and audio industries.
Being so focused and intellectual he always believed in learning and reading here are a few books that Steve wanted society to read.
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale is a novel by Herman Melville, in which Ishmael narrates the monomaniacal quest of Ahab, captain of the whaler Pequod, for revenge on the albino sperm whale Moby Dick, which on a previous voyage destroyed Ahab’s ship and severed his leg at the knee. The detailed and realistic descriptions of whale hunting and extracting whale oil, as well as life aboard a ship among a culturally diverse crew, are mixed with an exploration of class and social status, good and evil, and the existence of God. In addition to narrative prose, Melville uses styles and literary devices ranging from songs, poetry, and catalogs to Shakespearean stage directions, soliloquies, and asides.
INNOVATORS DILEMMA: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by Clayton M. Christenson
In one of the most influential business books of all time–innovation expert Clayton Christensen shows how even the most outstanding companies can do everything right–yet still, lose market leadership. Christensen explains why most companies miss out on new waves of innovation. No matter the industry, he says, a successful company with established products will get pushed aside unless managers know how and when to abandon traditional business practices. Offering both successes and failures from leading companies as a guide, The Innovator’s Dilemma gives you a set of rules for capitalizing on the phenomenon of disruptive innovation. Sharp, cogent, and provocative–and consistently noted as one of the most valuable business ideas of all time–The Innovator’s Dilemma is the book no manager, leader, or entrepreneur should be without.
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice by Shunryu Suzuki
Zen is a branch of Buddhism that focuses on mindfulness practice and wants to teach everyone how to incorporate peace and tranquility into their regular activities—being open, eager, and having a lack of preconceptions when studying and reading at an advanced level, just as a beginner would.
This book will cover the following topics:
A Brief History of Zen
The Zen Mind
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
The Right Practice, Right Attitude, and Right Understanding
The Spirit of Inquiry
Infusing Zen into Everyday Life
Your happiness depends not on how much money you have but on how peaceful you are on the inside.
Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe
Diet for a Small Planet broke new ground, revealing how our everyday acts are a form of power to create health for ourselves and our planet. This extraordinary book first exposed the needless waste built into a meat-centered diet. Sharing her personal journey and how this revolutionary book shaped her own life, Lappé offers a fascinating philosophy on changing yourself—and the world—that can start with changing the way we eat.
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Be Here Now by Ram Dass
Be Here Now by Ram Dass discusses elaborately on the basic themes and philosophies of spirituality, meditation, and yoga. The book is divided into four sections and it is narrated from the transformation of Dr. Richard Alpert, Ph.D., up to the painted cakes section, which recommends other books that are related to the same subject. Dr. Richard after years of teaching at Harvard realized that there is more to psychology than mere theories and justifications. Hence for learning that underlying truth, he traveled to India. He has presented the book in a very creative manner. It has no page numbers, also the text and the pages are mostly in blue, brown, and white color. The contents are actually a summary of the practical experiments and realizations of spiritualism that he learned from his guru. The first section of the book tells the story of Dr. Richard Alpert. This is mostly an autobiography and his transformation into Baba Ram Dass. He elucidates his journey to India and how he met his Guru Neem Karoli Baba. In the first section, he also writes about his research with Timothy Leary at Harvard and his career as a psychologist. The second and third section of the book is exclusively about spiritualism and various forms of yoga and meditation. It consists of a collection of religious, spiritual, and metaphysical sayings. In the explanation about yoga, pranayama and various quotations from eminent spiritual leaders have been included. Also, these sections consist of appropriate illustrations. The final section offers a list of books that are related to spirituality and these books are categorized under headings Books to hang out with, Books to visit now and then, and Books it’s useful to have met.
Hindu Mysticism by S.N. Dasgupta
This 1927 classic is a systematic introduction to Hindu mysticism as it evolved in India through the ages. This book gives a brief general outline of some of the most important types of mysticism, indicating their mutual relations, sometimes genetically and sometimes logically. These include early sacrificial, Upanisadic, Yogic, Buddhistic, and Classical as well as Popular Bhakti cult explaining concisely and clearly their main characteristics, basing the interpretations directly on the original sources.
Mucusless Diet Healing System: Scientific Method of Eating Your Way to Health by Arnold Ehret
Professor Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless diet healing system contains one of the most profound revelations of the 21st century: that mucus-forming foods are unnatural for us to eat and are the fundamental cause of many human illnesses. But how can you eliminate these foods and cleanse the body from their waste? This book has everything You need to Know to Instantly begin Cleansing the body and gaining a NEW lease on Life!
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
Sal Paradise, a young innocent, joins his hero Dean Moriarty, a traveller and mystic, the living epitome of beat, on a breathless, exuberant ride back and forth across the United States. Their hedonistic search for release or fulfillment through drink, sex, drugs, and jazz becomes an exploration of personal freedom, a test of the limits of the American dream. A brilliant blend of fiction and autobiography, Jack Kerouac’s exhilarating novel swings to the rhythms of 1950s underground America, racing towards the sunset with unforgettable exuberance, poignancy, and autobiographical passion. One of the most influential and important novels of the 20th century, On the Road is the book that launched the beat generation and remains the bible of that literary movement
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