When life becomes gloomy and dull

And everything around you ceases to be fascinating,

You feel choked, like a caged seagull

And pain is all you can hear with your breaths resonating.

This book, Works of Darkness by Anish Ghatak is surely a must for any adolescent or young adult who belongs to the twenty first century, irrespective of their field of study.

Written with an amazing rhythmic pattern, the book is so impactful to the mind of anyone who is looking through the pages, and if paid a little attention, the reader will be compelled to visualize, rather feel him/herself in the shoes of the voice echoing in a particular poem. This book creates a situation where the reader will find him/herself standing in the claws of a caged bird which is crying for it’s long lost freedom.

The book beautifully depicts what “depression” feels like, in its entirety. The world is so vast and for us, it keeps on expanding every moment these days, in terms of travel options, opportunities, professional and personal relationships etc. But there are many who feel just the opposite. For them the world grows shorter and shorter every passing day until it reaches a point where it becomes so small that the person can’t move his/her hands and feet, they feel cold, desensitized and asphyxiated, and make every possible attempt to end this “beautiful” life. Turning the pages of Anish Ghatak’s splendid work will make you feel every bit of this fact.

Written by a young MBA student with a slight grammar OCD as he describes himself, this book is unique in many ways. First, it defines the various phases of depression. Through narration with its intricate vocabulary, it depicts how Isolation, Despair, Frustration and Loss, could be signs of an impending doom.

Second, it takes into account the two vital entities which shape life. Light and Darkness. Although light is highlighted everywhere, darkness is sidelined although it has an equal play as per the Yin Yan Concept. This book addresses the situation through that concept. And of course, the universe is mostly dark. Light is only a tiny speck in it.

Third, every poem is unique in itself and narrates a different set up concerning various walks of life, yet they a fit into the same source, the same background. So vivid, yet so unifying!

Fourth, each poem ends with a concise note lucidly stating the context of the poem, an experience by the author himself, or a strong take home message. This is interesting because by keeping the note at the end, the poet presses the reader to imagine the poem and form his/her own context first, and then let’s them compare it with his own, which is a thrilling experience to have. This keeps the idea “There are many shades to the same color” alive.

Lastly, the book is compact enough to probably be the best supplement to your coffee table. All that an avid reader dreams of! The book narrates the story of those who are in need of a companion, yet it itself is a great companion to the reader.

If books are what you breathe secondary to air, this will be an amazing one to breathe and absorb yourself in. The unique choice of words and indomitable strength of emotions pertaining to the dark side of life will blend into the air like fine weed smoke and keep you high even after giving it multiple reads from cover to cover.


Author Name: Anish Ghatak
Book Title: Works Of Darkness
Publisher: Evincepub
Review By: Criticspace

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