Book: The Age Of Ascent – Empower Yourself By Knowing Yourself
Author: Yogi Mahajan
Publisher: Rupa Publications India (2022)
Total Pages: 184
Reviewed By: Neel Preet
This remarkable book, “The Age Of Ascent – Empower Yourself By Knowing Yourself” by Author Yogi Mahajan is carrying a very generous aim of imparting knowledge by creating motivation in the lives of the people, who are seeking wisdom to find peace and solace. The book portrays a special importance upon the ‘ways of finding inner peace & inner self.’ This book is written to change the mindset and the attitude of the readers and to teach them the ways of facing the challenges, which is bound to occur in everyone’s life. The manner in which the Author has provided solution with regards to most of the issues, which people of this generation are facing, is truly incredible!
Author Yogi Mahajan was born in 1950 to an eminent family of court justices in India. He graduated from Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. In the year 1976, he had a chance meeting with a great living saint, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, and that had deeply changed the course of his life. He has authored several books on spirituality, including Gita Enlightened.
This title, “The Age Of Ascent – Empower Yourself By Knowing Yourself” by Author Yogi Mahajan comes under the category of ‘Spiritual Self Help!’ Well, in this title, the concept of ‘Kundalini’ has been introduced to the readers, which is described as our inner force, a sort of potential that we all have in ourselves. The knowledge of the Kundalini is the knowledge of the roots on which we sustain ourselves. The book is filled with illustrations, which depicts the various ‘Chakras’ as well as the ‘Mudras’ and the book highlights the rightful manners in which the art of Meditation should be carried out. Moreover, through the ‘19 Reading Worthy Chapters’ in this book, the author has brilliantly explained that how we can find out our overall potential and act to that in order to empower ourselves & create new paths for ourselves!
Through this book, the Author has portrayed a special importance upon the ways of discovering our actual inner potentials and looking at our inner selves. This book is written to change the mindset and the attitude of the readers and to teach them the ways of facing the challenges, which is bound to occur in everyone’s life. Further, the Author encourages to fulfill the bridge between our desires and us. Well, the Author has made an incredible attempt to bring the change in the readers’ lives. So that the ones, who are following the Author’s guides, can reach out to something that has no limitations or boundations, which is the satisfaction to get connected with the inner self.
The uniqueness of this book is that it gives a deep understanding of how the humans function inside, and how we all have vibration fields that keep us protected, but if we go out of balance for many reasons as stated in the book, then we reduce the efficiency of the this inner balancing power. The book also takes us through the steps of our evolution as the author elaborates on each of the ‘7 Chakras’ that we have. It is practical and if read carefully, there is so much proven knowledge that one finds many meeting points of science and spirituality!
Well, for the readers there are several plus points such as that each of the chapter in this book starts with a deep & meaningful quote. The book cover is indeed mesmerizing and is truly apt for a spiritual self-help title like this one and going through the concepts and theories discussed in this book, the book cover is making a perfect sense. The illustrations in this book are truly helpful for the readers as they enhances the reading experiences and reflects the author’s concept very directly. Adding further to the readers’ ease, the language used by the author is truly lucid and is very much understandable for everyone. Moreover, for that section of the readers who are inclined towards spirituality and are seeking spiritual guidance; this title is like a perfect source of knowledge!
Going through this book, “The Age Of Ascent – Empower Yourself By Knowing Yourself”by AuthorYogi Mahajan it would not be wrong to conclude that life starts to make a lot more sense and it feels right when we have peace and fulfilment. Moreover, by knowing that even if we cannot control or change the circumstances around us, there still is a hope that one day everything will fall into the right places and that is what the human life is all about.
Undoubtedly, this title is a true saviour & a perfect guide for the people, who are looking out for the answers to the questions pertaining to the very existence and the purpose of the human life! Through this book, the readers will not only get the answers of their long unanswered questions, but also they shall achieve a mindset to create solutions for themselves. Further, the efforts made by the author to highlight the methods of ‘Self-discoveries’ and ‘Self-realization’ are something that is definitely makes this book a MUST READ one. Therefore, the readers must give the author a chance for his honest & sincere work!