Money has always been the primary factor that governs people’s lives. As times have changed, the desire to earn and possess money has multiplied, and so have the sources. A few decades ago, people managed and ran their homes on the salaries they earned, and they sufficed them more or less. The situation is different now, and as sources of money have expanded, the proper knowledge to earn through them is what is to be explored. R. K. Mohapatra, in his “Mutual Funds: A Powerful Investment Avenue for Individuals,” talks at length about expanding earning options the right way by investments at the right place. People may have money and also the desire to invest it in the right way, but due to lack of awareness or improper guidance, they are unable to channelize their hard-earned income. This book comes as a helpful guide for the cause. The author uses his 27 years of on the field experience in writing the book and sharing all that he has understood and analyzed over time.
As the title clears it all, the book focuses on guiding individuals for investing in mutual funds and the right manner in which it should be done. The author begins “Mutual Funds” from the basic content and builds up on that, which gives the readers a proper clarity of the terms and concepts associated with money matters. In this way, he reaches out to maximum readers at the same time, making sure none of them feel lost while they are going through the book. Once the readers finish the book, they have a lot of facts and information clearly in their minds. Mohapatra begins with the basic introduction of what mutual funds are the mechanics involved in the commerce industry. He further divides the book into 6 chapters giving detailed information that an ordinary person may not be aware of. He talks about shares, risk assessment, what the future of mutual funds would be, and how things would work. All these sections explore the small details that may not be observed by an average person and would only be learnt through experience.
In a time when monetary issues have become a primary part of people’s lives, and financial struggles are no less than a challenge for youngsters, “Mutual Funds” serves as a lifesaver and a guide to all those who are caught up in the struggles and hope to make some extra money but do not have the right knowledge and guidance for it. At the same time, the book bears the imprint of the author’s knowledge which he acquired through experience and from being in the field throughout his life. Therefore, the book is no less than a treasure for the younger generation. Mohapatra shares all the details the readers should know, yet at the same time, he does not diverge and keeps his objective in focus when he writes the book. Along with “Mutual Funds,” the author has also written “Retirement Planning: A Simple Guide for Individuals.” Both the books seem complementary and take the money concept hand in hand. If the readers read one book, then perhaps reading the other would be like an application of the former. Therefore, reading both books would be a boon to any reader. Reading both books may not be a mandatory thing rather, common sense. In addition, he has also written “Investment, Risk and Growth,” which is yet another aspect of the money market that would only help in guiding the readers and gaining knowledge that would be helpful in the long run.
The people who want to learn and understand the mechanics of mutual funds from the basics can get this book for themselves. In a world where money earning and money generating is perhaps the biggest challenge, recommending this book to readers and even non-readers would be fair to all. This book would help readers in not only updating their knowledge and awareness about the mechanics of mutual funds but also help the readers who are unaware of anything at all. They would also get to learn from the basics in “Mutual Funds” and make smart decisions for their future at an early age. While on the one hand, the book shares details that are the product of experience, at the same time, the language the author uses can be understood by all kinds of readers. It is free from jargon or typical words which only a knowledgeable reader would know of. This makes sure that the readership base of the book does not have any boundaries or limit the audience. Therefore, everyone should read Mohapatra’s “Mutual Funds: A Powerful Investment Avenue for Individuals” and develop their skills in making a money source for themselves, which would help them in the long run.
Book Title: Mutual Funds – A powerful investment avenue for individuals
Author: R K Mohapatra
Reviewed by: Akhila, Criticspace Journals
Mr Zaidi’s book is a frank debate on the present environment where everyone is trying to move ahead of all others at any cost. But fact stands – all humans are not equal and need be looked at differently.
The Author has a great insight on the subject and is frank enough to put his thoughts effectively.