Criticspace Journals: What encourages you to become an Author?
Author: I have been in teaching field more than a decade. I like sharing my knowledge with others specially with students community. So I ended with this project.
Criticspace Journals: What are your favorite topics of writing? Please tell us something about your interest areas in the literature.
Author: I consider myself as a curious soul. I like creative writing poetry specifically by passion. And by profession Microbiology (Microbial physiology: Quorum sensing) has taken my attention.
Criticspace Journals: We were hoping you could tell us about some of those writers who had inspired you and whom you follow!
Author: There’s no specific author as such whom I follow. I like reading anything and everything.
Criticspace Journals: The titles seem different and catchy; how you decided it? Please let us know the story behind it.
Author: There’s no story or secret behind it. As I mentioned earlier Quorum sensing mechanism fascinated me. Among many gods creations QSM is his creative which explains the importance of communication in every walk of life and in all the living beings.
Criticspace Journals: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.
Author: I have 2 research articles as first author and 1 book chapter as co-author to my credits.
Criticspace Journals: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in writing?
Author: If this venture is successful I would like to come up with other editions on Quorum sensing.
Criticspace Journals: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.
Author: Nothing as of now.
Criticspace Journals: How you see Indian writing in the 21st century? What changes do you see in the modern way of writing? Do you feel it has been changed by the time?
Author: Indian writing has been clear and neat since time immemorial. Modern way of writing lacks technicalities. It’s more in casual tone which puts me off.
Author Name: S Adeeb Mujtaba Ali
Book Title: Bacterial Quorum sensing
Featured By: Criticspace Journals
Publisher: Evincepub Publisher
Order On: Amazon