‘Authors, including doctors and others who cared for the sick as well as those who were aiding their near and dear ones, have written to show their appreciation of and gratitude to these countless selfless women’.

Let’s start with the blurb of the book: ‘This book reflects the Editor’s realization of the extent to which women were involved in his five-year battle with the crawling crab and the consequent rapid recovery and rehabilitation after surgery for bladder cancer. It is an elucidation of women’s immeasurable contribution to curative care not only in the hospital as medical professionals but also at home as wife, daughter, sister and even the in-laws. The vital role that women play in caring for the indisposed at home after being discharged from hospital deserves recognition’. The ever-evolving human desire drives the development of men and women alike. Over the past 60 years, we have witnessed a conspicuous change in women’s desire. Women wish to be less and less involved in household management and childcare and are increasingly expanding their involvement in other areas of society.

At the same time, the world is pushing towards greater equality, and women assume roles and responsibilities previously only filled by men. A woman’s character is much more responsible, stable and consistent. She is capable of absorbing many changes and coping with long-term challenges – a quality that comes from her natural ability to carry an embryo and develop life within her. A man, on the other hand, is better at short-term moves. The female nature and drive to create a supportive and embracing environment will be expressed in society in creating healthy and proper conditions for bonding between people. Without such an environment that only women can design and manage, the men will continue to quarrel like children. Women play a vital role in the global healthcare workforce as nurses, midwives, community health workers and doctors. The book describes why women are best as caregiver whether it is at home or at hospital. The editor shares his experience of how women played a great role to help him battle with the crawling crab and during recovery after surgery for bladder cancer.

In this book, an article discusses the stellar role of women under two broad categories (Page 56): (1) as food-provider and (2) the healer. Everyone knows women has magic in their hands, they have a better knowledge of what food to add in one’s diet. Women prefer healthy eating habits rather than men who opt for spicy and hot food items. No matter if it’s our grandmothers, mothers, sisters or daughters they all will guide you to make healthy food. Women as healers, as described in the book, women have always been the best healers. It is because of their enthusiasm to receive the knowledge and to pass it to the next generation. Also in the book, it is described why they are best healers; it is because their act of giving, they are born with qualities like compassion and care. Women in any form transmit unconditional love for the family members. 

One thing I want to mention, who is a caregiver? – A caregiver is anyone who provides care for another person in need, such as a child, an ageing parent, a husband or wife, a relative, friend, or neighbour. So while reading this book I felt that the authors are trying to make a point that women in the current era are forgetting their role as a caregiver and food-provider, but it’s not their fault – it’s us, we have underappreciated their work, also we have set bars too high for them to perform in every field. Women are the major providers of long-term care in our society, but they also have long-term care needs of their own. Women are selfless and will continue to be.

Overall, ‘Role of Women in Curative Care’ is a book that should be read by all of us. It’s written in an easy to understand language. Many authors have shared their experiences and have written to show their appreciation to women. After you finish reading it you will make you see a woman in a whole different way than you used to see earlier. We are surrounded by women in the forms of a mother, sister, daughter or friends, but one thing we see common in all of them is how much selfless they are … but how often do we really appreciate them that’s the question.


The book is inspiring, motivating and a fitting tribute to women. So, get your hands on it now and let yourself witness an impressive work! Get a copy of the book from Amazon India. CLICK TO BUY


Author Name: Nilakanta Siva
Book Title: Kohinoor In You
Publisher: Notion Press; 1 edition (2019)
Review By: Criticspace Journals

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