When the Mahabharata and the Bhagwad Gita were being written, no one could have anticipated the extent to which the text would be examined at multiple levels and the possibilities of re-writing or exploring it from different facets would be opened. This is the beauty of the epic that finds expression even years after its creation which has been examined by millions of minds. This has also given artists the creative freedom to experiment with their literary capabilities and make an attempt to produce something that will add to the existing grandeur of the epic. “Mai Ashwathama Bol Raha Hoon” by Rachnakar ‘Viral’ demonstrates this potential as it examines the epic of Mahabharata in the same manner to a different extent and in an entirely different light. The poetic form used by the author is the defining feature that distinguishes the text from any that has been written with the same thought and rather, transports the readers to the world when the epic took place for real.
The poetic form of the text loads it with thoughts, meanings, insights, and ideas that become the fragment of the book and their effect remains throughout the text. Rachnakar ‘Viral’ takes the liberty to express his thoughts in “Mai Ashwathama Bol Raha Hoon” and tries to talk in the most cryptic manner. This is one of the features that make the text an instant attraction for the readers who like to read texts in a short manner and who also enjoy the poetic form. Spread over around 85 pages, the author’s book initiates the readers smoothly into the world of the epic and gradually builds the momentum to take the readers into the universe that the poet has been focusing on building. Among other things, the usage of the Hindi language is the salient feature of the book which invokes the readers’ interest and connects with them on an emotional level. It is through this medium that the author connects with the readers in an instant and reaches their souls in no time.
Apart from this, what makes “Mai Ashwathama Bol Raha Hoon” unique is the style in which the author writes the book. He focuses on infusing the text with feelings, and emotions that reach out to the readers effortlessly. This book would also be thoroughly enjoyed by children for the poetic style that the author uses. The length of the book is one attraction for them and apart from that, the language is another attraction. The style of writing becomes the additional attraction that will be instrumental in acquainting young minds with the richness of the culture of India and learning about the epics and their significance at a young age. Their minds would develop in a healthy direction under the influence of books like “Mai Ashwathama Bol Raha Hoon.” In that way, the book can be read by children, their parents, and the elders in their family and it can also be recommended to the circles of friends and relatives.
By dividing the text into 9 parts in “Mai Ashwathama Bol Raha Hoon,” the author creates a clear demarcation between the different aspects he will talk about and the events he will refer to. This segregation gives ease to the learning experience of the readers as they can read at their own pace. They can divide the content according to their comfort and read it and achieve the objective of absorbing the thoughts that the author shares in the book. Moreover, reading the book can be a life-changing experience for the readers who do not have in-depth knowledge about the epics or only base level ideas. Therefore, the significance of the text is far more than being merely a text to be read and forgotten. These are the factors that make “Mai Ashwathama Bol Raha Hoon” an interesting, entertaining, enriching and enlightening read for the readers.
The depiction of a tale through the poetic format is something that makes the book a rare piece of writing. It is through this feature that the author lands the readers on the lands where the epics took place and changed the landscape of human lives forever. This gives “Mai Ashwathama Bol Raha Hoon” epic proportions and ensures that it is counted among the literary greats of the present day literary writings. Even though the text is written in the present day which is driven and literally governed by technology, it is the beauty of the language that the author uses and the unfiltered liveliness that touches the readers’ hearts and connects them with the text despite these differences. This text is recommended to all readers because of the 5/5 ratings based on its content, poise, royalty and the honesty with which the poet writes.