Criticspace Journals: Welcome to Criticspace Journals, author. Congratulations on the release of your book. What responses are you getting from your readers? Please share your experience with this book.
Author: Thank you so much for your appreciation. This is my dream to publish my book. I was waiting for several years for this day. It makes me a great feel.
This is my first book, so the responses are only from my friends. They said that when they read my story, it felt like watching hollywood movie and they gather lot of information about interpol, and they identified some basic emotional behaviours that everyone must know and to control. And they said that the story had great suspense and very twisted incidents. so I get good responses from my readers.
That was awesome experience. First I love my creative story. I enjoyed when I wrote the book. First I collected lot of information about interpol and american political rules, what secrets are kept by american high officials, and about pentogon. And I gather some historys and I changed the historys by some intresting twists. My only purpose of writing this book is to deliver lot of good informations to people through some intresting stories, but that story must be related to history. I didn’t incorporate actual history to my story. I changed lot of incidents and made some co-related incidence that give like some effective information to people. The book title is Alex calter, this is the name of a secret agent who is working for interpol. He identifies lot of crimes and he is promoted to next higher job, whenever he gets promotion, he faces lot of problems. He tries to face his own emotional behavious. Finaly how he faces all problems and gets victory at climax. But I didn’t let the story with this book. Here Alex calter part-2 will be published very soon. I am working on it. So I love detective jobs and some investigation processes, so I thought why not the investigation go through about world great crimes and politics. so I structured the story about the world politics and crimes.
Criticspace Journals: What encourages you to become an Author?
Author: First I thank to God for Identifing the hidden talant into me by myself. But the way of identifing the talant was very awful and sadful one. six or seven years ago, Some situations and some incidents gave me a lonely life. So I live with myself and I was thinking about lot of things, and I made some story that made me some thrilling and excitment. So I thought why not I wrote my story from my imagination. So I encouraged myself and I took a paper and I started to write stories. Since my 14th age I have written four completed stories, one of the story is Alex calter that was published now. I hope very soon other stories will be published. I frankly say no one was there to encourage me to publish my stories, I was discouraged by others. But I didn’t hear any words. I hold my hope and work hard to give very good story, so I was waiting for publish several years. Recently I told my stories about to my senior, she told my about the Evincipub publication. Then I contact with that publication. Honestly, Their response was awesome and great kind heart people. They worked on my book fabulously, that gave me a great encouragement. So I thank to the Evinicipub publication. God, My imaginary thoughts and some situation factors encouraged me to become an author.
Criticspace Journals: What are your favorite topics of writing? Please tell us something about your interest areas in the literature.
Author: My most favorite topics to writing are World Politics and Great World Histories, Adventures and Spritualism. Alex calter story is fully about world politics and world history. There are lot of crimes and curruptions, war, econimics are happening since several hundreds of years. I sort out every incidents in world history and I want to make some intresting stories. And each and every incindents of my stories, there are some spritualism would be included. Because I want to deliver some great encouraging and hopefull points to people. So I gather my intrest areas and I include all of them in my stories. My up coming one of stories may be Non political related but that will spritual based. So every literatures that I write always contain my favorite areas. But I want to write some horror and mystious stories that will make some horrible experience to people. I love ghost movies, so I want to give some most horrible stories to people like american author R.L Stine.
Criticspace Journals: We were hoping you could tell us about some of those writers who had inspired you and whom you follow!
Author: My most inspiring writers are Puthumaipithan(Tamil author) and JK Rowling(British author). i was grown up with their words and story plots and basic story methods. Puthumaipithan who has written lot of short stories. one of the story named kanjanai, is may most favorate short story ever. And JK rowling’s cormoran strike Novel series (The Cuckoo’s calling, The silkworm, Career of Evil, Lethal white, Troubled blood) was inspiring me to write this Alex Calter story. That strike investigation series have great twists with big suspenses. Finally, I follow puthumaipithan’s suspensing knowledge, and JK rowlings story formats.
Criticspace Journals: The titles seem different and catchy; how you decided it? Please let us know the story behind it.
Author: At First, the name on my mind was Alex carter, but there are lot of men with the name of alex carter so I want to change some letter. I heard about that some men’s name is ‘cal’ so I chose ‘Alex Calter’ and I liked the name so I fixed the name as title of the book.
Criticspace Journals: What are your achievements so far? Tell us something about your writing career.
Author: This is my first book, that came in publication, I think this is my first achievement of my career. I am writing stories since at the age of 14. I have lot of visions and more and more story ideas. so I want to live in that location and that situation. When I write a story I forgot the real world because I would completely get into my story world and I live in every incidents. That would give great experience to me. In my writing career, I wrote stories only, but very soon I will write some academic books related to art and some science and spritual related topics that would I love.
Criticspace Journals: What is your current goal in writing a career? How do you see your future in writing?
Author: My current goal in writing a career is to publish Alex calter part two, one sailing adventure story, ghost story and Academic literature. I want to become world famous author, so I never let my writing. Very soon I will write all related topics at every year.
Criticspace Journals: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.
Author: Yes, I am writing an Adventurous sailing story, hero who discovers mystrious island, that story titled as Greek leo. And also I am writing Alex calter part two. I hope both will be finished within next year.
Criticspace Journals: How you see Indian writing in the 21st century? What changes do you see in the modern way of writing? Do you feel it has been changed by the time?
Author: In india, lot of languages are spoken by indian people. In this 21st century, I see lot of writers who are publishing their own native languages. The writers are using more common derived words and some english words, but that’s not a good way of writing. But readers like that way of writings. But I hope it has been changed by the time. But I am afraid that the native languages are dominated by the foriegn languages. But some times for some reason the foreign languages are used to express some expressions.
Journals: How easy/ difficult it was for you to publish your book? What message would you like to give to budding authors?
Author: At first, I was struggling to publish my books, but now the self publication facility is arising every where. So I contact with Evincipub Publication and that publication processed my book and published with in 30 days. I was trying to publish my book since six to seven years. The only difficulty is the proof reading and deliver the actual expression to people.
My message to budding author is, “Keep writing. Writing will make a history and show your imaginations to people with great good things. Get more knowledge then begin to write and Never lose hope, self belief and keep trying to become famous author.”
Author Name: T. Manoj Kumar
Book Title: Alex Calter
Featured By: Criticspace Journals
Published By: Evincepub Publishing
Order On: Amazon