interview: Hello Mukesh, Welcome to Criticspace. Please tell us something about ‘Mukesh’ as a person. What is a normal day in your life like?
Mukesh Kumar:Hi, Thanks, I’m a normal person, you can find, people like me, everywhere, in trains, on the road, in the park everywhere. Because there is no tag I myself have imposed. I do all my work myself, daily routine starts mostly from buying fresh vegetables for kitchen, to go market places and meet small roadside shopkeepers, talk to them in their own language, and sometimes they teach us more of life better than any so called “buddhijivi”.
I do my duty as a teacher with full responsibility. It is automatic, spontaneous in my nature. I never feel happy when someone looks me unhappy. I always try to make happy everybody & never want to hurt anyone by my any action. If I say ‘Mukesh’ as person in a single line it is as – “a simple person who thinks something special for common as well special”
interview: Take us through your book, Time: Let’s Value It. When you actually decided to write in this particular topic?
Mukesh Kumar:I started this book with these lines – “In this universe nothing is unending except time” So I had decided to write on this topic long ago whenever I encountered that it’s the time which was playing and planning everything. I stopped and tried to write but when the exact time came. The thoughts have become a complete book.
interview: What was the philosophy behind writing a book which talks prominently about Time?
Mukesh Kumar: The truth which I have mentioned in the book, everybody knows “we have not the power to pass the time, it is passing itself. Live, don’t pass the time. Only present is enough all these ideas struck me & i realized the truth that one day, there in this existence, only time would exist.
interview: Till date what has been your most cherished achievement. Please let us know about the same.
Mukesh Kumar: (1) I have become a writer. That’s the field of my interest to convey my own views world-wide, connecting the whole world.
(2) I recited my Hindi poems at Radio Sagar (102.6), on 28/05/2019. That was one of the greatest experiences of my life & a new beginning too.
interview: What are your other interests apart from writing?
Mukesh Kumar:
Listening music
interview: Any other book or writing project that you are currently working on? When we can get next book from you and how it will be?
Mukesh Kumar: Yes, soon, an anthology of my Hindi poems, each poem will be a book itself.
interview: As a reader, what genre of books do you generally read? Which is that one genre you want to explore in reading or writing?
Mukesh Kumar:As a reader I would like to read all the genres but in poetry & fiction I take much interest. As far as writing is concerned I would like to write in all genres.
interview: Who are your favourite authors?
Mukesh Kumar: There are many, R. K. Narayan, Girish karnad APJ Abdul Kalamji, Munshi Premchand, Anton Chekhove, J.krishnamurti, Wordsworth, khushwant singh & I can never forget to mention my favourite the great Osho Bhagwan Rajneesh.
interview: The topic you have chosen for this book is very much common; also, there are many books about time management. How this book is different from those books and why reader should go for it?
Mukesh Kumar: Actually this book tells not only about time management, this book may be your friend when you would feel alone & unhappy, your guide when you would be puzzling, this is a book of telling one truth “time is everything, it is, it was & it will be, so why don’t we utilize each moment which is precious no moment would return back to us, everybody has his/her own time. Know your potential; you can become the Sachin. Take yours bat and start now, this moment. Don’t wait that someone would come and take you on the top.
This book is different from the other books because its language is very simple, the book is not bulky having positive ideas that would refresh you. While you will go through this book you would feel that you have drunk an energy drink of sublimit.
Interview: Please give some message to our readers and other authors who will come across this interview.
Mukesh Kumar: I know that you all have some dreams & you want to realise those dreams, you are waiting for the right time. No! Don’t wait; this moment is your right & appropriate time. Nobody will come and hold your hand; it’s you who can become the torch bearer, the initiator. You have your present on the basis of that you can create your future .Because there is no past, no future only present is existed & that present is yours.
Thanks a lot for the answers, Mukesh. It was a pleasure talking with you. Wish you great success and future!