Title:- If you glance at the title it’s ‘Unicorn’ means an imaginary type of horse that only endures in stories. The title easily conveys the idea of this story. It is the most suitable title for this novel.

Cover:- The cover carries a lot of meanings. On the cover, you will see a horse which is an imaginary character. In some instances, the story is also imaginary. The author tried to show the story formed in every colour and beautiful in its own way. But, You can only feel the scene after reading this story thoroughly and patiently.

Blurb:- The Blurb portion has been written and edited well. The author’s gratitude and credits to the characters who helped him while writing the story.

Storyline:- The blurb portion gives a short idea of the story inside. The story is totally different. Sometimes, you will see a few philosophical lines in between paragraphs, which makes it even more unique. Actually, this type of experiment is very rare in common literature. The story begins with a boy who has been always treated as an unplanned kid from a very early in his life. The author narrated the struggle that is commonly faced by this kid. The kid who was treated as the result of unplanned pregnancy is commonly left with very little self-confidence. The story is about one such boy. Because of his very early life, he becomes very shy in nature. Struggle chased him throughout his life. His father’s quick transfers also contributed and so he doesn’t have friends for a long time. The man has a very bad view of life from the very initial, he struggled for love, for marriage, and in family life. The challenges were very ordinary and so the story you feel is of an ordinary man other than a king.

My Reviews:- While reading ‘Unicorn’ sometimes I feel that this story is relatable to me and some of us too. Chapters “Birth and Infancy, Preschool, Elementary school and many more…”

Sometimes I feel that here author discussed about his life too. But at all, I love this book. Some incidents are visualized to me.

Author Deepankar Narayan Roy did his best in this book. Hats off to the author. The book contains some quotes and images which creates more interest while reading.

Ratings:- My Ratings for this book is 4.8

I liked the cover most and it makes me more curious to read this book. After reading I really fall in love with the imagination of the author. Awaiting for next book by author Deepankar Narayan Roy.

Recommendation:- I would like to recommend this book to all. Everyone can read this book. But in my opinion common and retired people can connect with this story very easily. The story narration is at best. You can get each and every emotion while just reading the words.

Author Name: Deepankar Narayan Roy

Book title: ‘Unicorn’

Publisher: Evincepub Publishing

Order On:Amazon



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