An Interview with Master Olga Gomon | International author | Criticspace Journals

Her books are a reflection of her life and everything that was happening to her throughout the journey to more than 100 countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe. Master’s books are historical guides throughout the land of the earth that you can take with you and use as a map if you are a real […]

God: The Best Friend & Guide | Jaydip Das | Criticspace Book Review

Spirituality is an aspect of life about which less people know about and the ones who do know do not know in much depth. Jaydip Das in his landmark work, “God, The Best Friend and Guide” attempts to enlighten the readers and tell them the importance of the path of spirituality through his life as […]

Author Article | Sadhana Wadhwa | Criticspace Journals | Top 100 Debut Novels

Author Story Article Release Hello author, on behalf of all the readers, we would like to discuss something about you and of course, your book as well.  This conversation will help reader to know more about you and your debut book. Please give answers in brief. Most welcome to Criticspace Journals, Author. We heartily congratulate […]