Author’s Background: Narsima Mourty, known better as Arvind Narsima in the literary circles on various social media and to readers nationwide, has come a long way to become an author that he is. He has written & published three books, THE INVESTIGATOR SERIES, THE ARAVAN HEAD and THE CHOSEN ONE, along with two short stories in the anthologies, MIDDLE MARCH and SEASON OF LOVE. Critics often quote that he differs hugely from the other contemporary writers as his writings eloquently depict the social, psychological and economic delinquencies taking place inside domestic ambiences and in the society, with a keen appreciation to the human values. It is quite justifiable that his readers call him “THE INDIAN DAN BROWN”. He’s a staunch believer in God. His Legacy, which he intends to leave behind for his daughter to hold dear to her heart forever, would be to get recognized as a good author, as a writer whose words have touched millions of fans, worldwide. His other passionate hobbies include travelling, cooking, painting and singing.
Neel Preet : Arvind, first of all, big Congratulations on your latest published book, “The Aravan Head” What responses are you getting for this book of yours? Please share your experience about this book.
Arvind Narsima: Thank you for your compliment, Neel. Special thanks to God almighty and all my readers for loving my books. The Aravan Head is like a dream come true. I went through very different phases of emotional surges during the period I wrote it. This book is very special and close to my heart. It took 18 months to pen it. I am just overwhelmed by the awesome responses I have been receiving from all quarters, especially college students. So many readers and even reviewers have messaged that they have fallen in love with the protagonist ARYA and his love-interest PAVITHRA. This book has gotten me a vast readership. Some diehard fans have initiated hashtags for ‘#aryafanclub’ and ‘#arvindnarsimafanclub’ too, on Instagram and twitter. Aravan Head has been adjudged the best book, and it has won the Literary Oscars, the Global Author Award from New York and 100 Influential Authors of India award. Really a mind-blowing experience.
Neel Preet: I’ve read your book and I genuinely liked the concept of your Mysterious Crime-Thriller Plot. So, my next question to you is that what inspired you to write this book? What was the impetus behind this work of yours?
Arvind Narsima: Actually I started writing the book as a family based story, about a middle class woman struggling with two children; a desperate woman struck between the inadequacies of life and three unlikely men conflicting with her characteristic disciplines. Later on, it developed into something huge and eventually materialized as a Crime based thriller along with a comprehensive analysis on transgender community, the drug mafia and water mafia of Mumbai along with the ancient artefact smugglers. Aravan Head was supposed to be my first book but as God would have wanted, it came after ‘The Investigator Series’. I have always loved the Indian Police Service, the department which never got the honorable acclamation it actually deserved. Also I had appreciations for the Transgenders who are considered as a taboo in our society. After all the researches I had undertaken on them and written in Aravan Head, I thought my words could impact at least to some extent, which really did happen. Many readers have sent messages saying that their outlook on the transgenders have changed a lot after reading my book. That is the victory of ‘The Aravan Head’.
Neel Preet: You have written about a larger than life character Arya, the super-cop in your story, truly around whom the plot revolves so, what made you choose this character to be the lead in your plot?
Arvind Narsima: Readers, critics, fans and reviewers have always appreciated the characters in all my books. In fact, character-building is my forte along with the blend of classic and modern way of writing. People often relate themselves to the various characters; not just the protagonists but the realistic depiction of even smaller characters too has received the attention of readers. Creation of a unique and life-like character of the protagonist was really challenging. The name Arya, for no particular reasons though, had been inside my head since the time I started reading books. I did not want Arya to be among the league of protagonists from other authors. I wanted him to be a representative of every common man yet powerful enough to stand against any kind of adversary. Thus the handsome, witty, intelligent, brave and somewhat arrogant cop who fears none and is always ready to fight against the corrupt system. I feel so blessed because Arya has been receiving pampering love and appreciation from everyone. Probably he is the first protagonist from books who has an online fan club amongst the readers.
Neel Preet: In the present era, we don’t get to read a lot of suspense thrillers. So, while writing this book what was your mind-set? Is it based on any particular experience of yours?
Arvind Narsima: Readers easily get bored because of Stereotypes. We should never under estimate their intelligence and expectations. If we say the book is a suspense thriller it must deliver what it says. Or else, erudite readers would find it difficult to go farther from the first 10 – 15 pages. Every chapter should make them go for the next. I am a huge fan of prominent thriller authors such as Robert Ludlum, Clive Cussler, Tom Clancy, John Grisham and scores of others. 25 years of reading experience has had a great influence in my writing too. And yes, this book carries so many things that I have personally encountered or heard from around me.
Neel Preet: Reading the narrative, character and the plot of this book, I’m greatly impressed and I want you to explain us, your version of how this book will appeal to the readers.
Arvind Narsima: Neel, it feels so good to hear that you have loved reading ‘The Aravan Head’. So many people write books these days. Finding the pulse of the readers and giving what they require, upholding certain disciplines, is the indubitable secret in writing good books. But I never lean heavily on the commercial aspects as some well-known writers do. Many best selling books of famous contemporary authors have got most negative reviews ever. I don’t believe in numbers. I write because I have an undying passion for writing. I have great stories in me that I want to tell those who love them for what they really are. Making people love what you deliver instead of giving them what they need is a very difficult task. But, eventually, if they did love your book, without doubt it should be a master piece. By God’s grace, ‘The Aravan Head’ turned out to be one such book. Few film directors too have expressed interest in the story.
Neel Preet: Arvind, your writing seemed to be really impeccable and you were bold with your writings in your book, which I really appreciate. So next, I want you to tell us about some of those writers, who had inspired you and whom you follow!
Arvind Narsima: Thanks again for your compliments. Being bold in writing has several insinuations. I always wish every scene of the plots in my books to be genuine yet not embarrassing to the readers. Creating a scene that should grip the reader is a great challenge. Writing crime thrillers is like walking on a sharp edged knife. The lucid flow of narration, realistic dialogues and the blending of the requisite essence of the plot with the storyline….all these must have unprecedented impact. I started reading books when I was in my 6th class. I was then crazy about reading the books written by Charles Dickens, Jules Verne, R L Stevenson, Enid Blyton, Arthur Conan Doyle and later Ludlum, Grisham, Clancy, Cussler, Dan Brown amongst several others. These amazing writers have always been great influence on me.
Neel Preet: Is there any message which you would like to convey to your readers? Or any piece of advice, which you would like to give to the readers out there!
Arvind Narsima: Among the prominent, contemporary writers in India and elsewhere, probably I may be the only person not to have gone past higher secondary education. Poverty and other domestic issues had me discontinue my studies. I started working from the age of 17. Despite severe struggles to come up in life, I nurtured the perpetual appetite for reading books. My literary journey had not been an easy one. God helped me in everything. I still have a long way to go. My humble request to my readers is this – Never stop reading good books, never hesitate to appreciate good writing and always give your unbiased reviews and support Indian authors.
Neel Preet: Are there any other books being worked by you? Please let us know about your future projects.
Arvind Narsima: My next book, 3rd Arya starrer – “ARYA’S HUNTING GROUND” is almost ready for publishing this year. I am working on the 2nd part of the chosen one “THE WATCHERS” slated for 2021. Apart from that a full fledged novel on transgenders is under consideration and research. Meanwhile, I’m also writing the final book on THE INVESTIGATOR SERIES, slated for release in 2022.
Neel Preet: Thank you so much for answering all my questions. All the very best to you for future and your book too!
Arvind Narsima: Thank you so much, Neel. Been a pleasure speaking to you and I consider this an honor for me.
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