In today’s routine life, everyone searches for a guiding light to help them through the troubles and challenges life throws at them. Some find people or their loved ones to help them through. While some resort to the newly evolving genre of self help books and try to make their lives better by reading them. In the genre of becoming better with every day passing, CA Rajender K. Arora has penned down his book, “The Invisible Law of Karma”. This author can turn out as a solution to many routine problems that the readers may have faced in their life at some point of time or the other.
It is generally advised not to judge a book by its cover. But sometimes, covers become much more than mere instruments of judgment. This is proven right when the reader looks at the cover of “The Invisible Law of Karma”. The cover of the book comes as a soothing sight to the eyes of the readers. There is a dark-colored background with trees in perhaps the autumn season. The Autumn season has a relaxing aura of its own. In the center of all this is an angelic figure surrounded by light. This angelic figure is symbolic of the spiritual guide on the spiritual journey that the readers are all set to go on. The cover of the book clearly states that the book is a guide to “be stress-free, anger free, be a perfect human being, be like God and create your destiny”. These few words serve the purpose of much more than just being a mere introduction to the book.
The preface and the introduction further give the reader the idea of the depth of spiritual knowledge that this book intends to explore. The introduction says of “The Invisible Law of Karma” says,
“Besides focusing on stress, anger, fear, anxiety, nervousness, jealousy, ego, attachment, etc., this book also explains how to deal with life’s problems, negative thoughts, feelings & emotions in different types of situations in life.”
Hence it is clear that the practical applicability of the book is much more than it appears to be on the surface. He has divided the book into different sections and tries to explain things in a very pragmatic and precise manner. He covers subjects like the law of karma, spiritual know, inner self, meditation, personal development, self-transformation and also things that affect humans on a psychological level which include relationships, stress, worry, fear, nervousness, anxiety, anger, revenge, attachment, ego, jealousy, and comparison. He goes on to also talk about subjects which can make lives better. These include positive thinking, love, peace, happiness, contentment, forgiveness, success and the art of spiritual living. With such clear cut demarcation, the book becomes a masterpiece of research and a key to understand a lot of things. The readers can find answers to many routine questions that would trouble them otherwise.
Karma is one strong belief in Indian culture since time immemorial. The study of this karma and it’s detailed explanation is one remarkable thing that the author has done. For all those who are unfamiliar with Karma and its concept, this book begins from scratch. Also, the book lucidly imparts spiritual knowledge to the readers.
Instead of making the book purely based on theoretical facts and ideas, the author tries to explain the practical applicability of his thoughts. The author acknowledges the fact that life today has become very hectic and stressful. Therefore, he has attempted to impart his wisdom acquired after years and help the readers to make their lives better. The length of the book may for once be one concern for the reader but the way the author has explored and expressed his ideas only makes the length matter lesser and lesser for the reader.
For all those who look for peace of mind, “The Invisible Law of Karma” comes as a lifesaver. Hence, the grown-up adult population is more likely to find this book appealing. Due to it’s a simple language, “The Invisible Law of Karma” becomes a friendly guide to the readers and shows them the true path to attain mental peace and satisfaction so that they can focus on their goals in an even better manner without putting their peace of mind or soul at stake.
Author Name: CA Rajender K. Arora
Book Title: The Invisible Law Of Karma
Publisher: Evincepub Publishing (23 January 2020) Review by: Criticspace Journlas Print Length: 402 pages