Genre: A poetry and short stories collection which has the potential to visualize an image relatable to one’s own likability and life experiences or the topics known and heard is found to be interesting and is very much open to exploration. Similarly, the book ” The Exhilarated Soul” by author Hasnain Shawl is a collection of short stories in the first half and Poetries in the other half which is quite relatable to the books found in the ISC board literature paper, one of which was termed as “Reverie”. These types of books help one person to get into a rollercoaster ride of thoughts and imagination without waiting an entire week to jump into a plot twist. These types of books are often considered as the ones which can be read again and again without boredom.
Interior of the book: The book contains approximately 99 pages consisting of twenty different chapters with a division of poetries framing one long poem in a row/chapter and short stories. The language is English. Besides this, there is also an input of varieties of illustrations attached on each page along with the Poetries for a visual attraction.
About the author: Hailing from Jammu Kashmir, Hasnain aims to tell stories inspired by the incidents or events he went through or sees around. “I want to live my life to the fullest to generate amazing ideas and put them down. Every creative person has to go through dark days but talent is what keeps you alive and at the end of the day you must do something at least you must be proud of it.
About the book: This book is based on the fictional mindset of the author who created masterpieces in the forms of short stories and Poetries. As it is claimed the author himself is a follower of William Shakespeare and has definitely proven the point through the dramatic verses and prose.The author, as he quotes in one of his interviews, is that he does not stick to any genre, he believes that stories can come from anywhere or anytime but if you ask him what kind of stories he wants to write? The answer would be stories that excite him the most, stories that don’t let him sleep for days. He wants to live his life fullest to generate amazing ideas and put them down. He believes that stories can be told through many other mediums. So he has a great penchant for cinema and theatre as a writer. Apart from that, he has started telling stories through his wonderful poems, he has felt that poems are a great way to express what one feels or what’s inside an individual.
Through the blurb, it has been mentioned that Hasnain has visualized himself as a character in certain situations and expressed his feelings on paper in these poetry Collections. The overall suspense of the Short Stories lies in:-
1. Sadaqat resides in a houseboat in Kashmir but he’s constantly meeting a guy named Sajid who is paying him for using his poems. So what’s the intent of Sajid? And will someone be able to get to the roots?
2. Qumail is way excited to board his first flight to meet his mother on his eighteenth birthday but after the boy fails to board the flight with his father, he starts to curse himself. So what’s the mystery God has planned for him?
3. Aijaz is a struggling photographer hailing from the mountains of Kashmir. However, things don’t go well when a photograph he shoots puts him into big trouble.
Book Title: The Exhilarated Soul
Author: Hasnain Shawl
Publisher: Evincepub publishing
ISBN: 9789354469176
Category: Fiction / General
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