The book, “Rhythm Roger – The Secrets of Electon” by Author Himanshu Rai is indeed a Science Fiction Novel with all the real elements and technicalities of a typical Si-Fi Novel, which certainly made it much intriguing! The book is also unique and highlights the effects of the Virtual World. Also, the book carries some unknown facts which, we humans don’t know; It’s much about the Electrons and the related discoveries!
Well, the Author has chosen a very fresh and new concept for his Si-Fi Novel, Rhythm Roger – The Secrets of Electon. This concept builds up the whole plot, which in course converts it into an amazing book. The Author has talked about simple things which exist in the human world and their technological replicas in Electon, which was quite intriguing.
The Author, Himanshu Rai is a telecom professional who took out time from his work for his hobby of storytelling. He enjoyed telling stories since childhood and ‘Recollecting the End’ is his brain thought. He lives in Noida with his wife Sona and son Rhythm. He enjoys writing and putting his thought down.
His way of writing is often termed as “Visual Writing” because the readers can visualize all the actions mentioned in his writings with great ease!
The plot is about a world different from ours but parallelly coexisting with it. The world of electromagnetic waves, the world known as Electon. The protagonist is Rhythm (a scientist in Finland, who had been a part of the world’s first phone call), but the day had more to it, the same night he met someone who was like an alien to him, but the truth held something else for him. He was from Electon and he had come for a very special task, to get the prince of the Electon, Rhythm back to Electon. Rhythm was destined to fight against the dark forces who were trying to take over Electon and it was on Rhythm to save the world of Electon.
The book, Rhythm Roger – The Secrets of Electon is very well researched and the author did a nice job in using the realistic concepts and facts to get this sci-fi close to reality! This book revolves about unknown facts about electrons. The protagonist Rhythm, a scientist who is working on project mobile. Electromagnetic waves are discovered by a well-known scientist Henrich Rudolf Hertz. The electron theory somehow attracts Rhythm and he is totally connected to it. These Electons create another world which we are unaware of and also we discover that Rhythm seems to have some secrets with the electrons.
The book is well written with some true Magnificent Illustrations. The illustrations make imagination of the readers clearer and effective. The characters are well penned, such a way that they involve so deeply with the plot. Many facts and theories about electrons are revealed. The book is a mix of facts and fiction. The book unfolds concepts of time travel, parallel universe, telecom, galaxy, matter, etc. Also, the language used by the Author in this Si-Fi Novel is very lucid.
The narration style is extremely smooth and convincing. The plot is very intriguing. Author has mentioned every small details effectively which adds a plus to the story. The Characters are very well developed, giving relevant importance to each of the characters in the plot. These characters are given unique names and they make the virtual world so interesting. The plot is skilfully penned making the story very interesting and unique and Reading Worthy.
The Book Title, “Rhythm Rodgers – The Secrets of Electons” is undoubtedly a catchy one with the capacity of creating curiosity in the readers’ mind. Well, if we look at the overall plot of the book then the book’s title is very much justified. Further, the Book Cover, too deserves a special mention for being extraordinarily deep with the glimpse of the action and thrill, which the readers are bound to find in this book!
This is a well-woven Si-Fi Novel, which has everything right from Out-of-box conceptualization to Good linking with physics, physicists & fantasy to Characters built around physics concept used in communication & digital world.
Readers will find the time-traveling, a complex topic but with easy language usage, which is ideal even for the kids. The artwork was given throughout the book, showing places and characters. It helps the reader to visualize clearly and overall it’s a MUST READ.
Author Name: Himanshu Rai
Book Title: Rhythm Roger – The Secrets of Electon
Publisher: Invincible Publishers (2020)
Review by: Criticpsace Journal