About The Author – Sanjeev Bansal is a young and emerging poet, writer, and author of the new novel The Taste of Midnight. The novel is spine-chiller/ mystery-themed. It’s a tale about a man who battles with his psyche and heart to substantiate himself unadulterated against his female closest companion’s affirmations. He writes out his experiences delving into his subconscious trying to unknot his mind, heart, and soul’s emotions. Laced in the strings of the world weaved out of his creative ability, he penned down the mysteries of his sentimental specialty.
The virgin voyage of writing art sailed in the mid-years of 20th century when thine roused him like the star does to a visionary and the crescent moon does to the ocean. He is an immense love for nature and it reflects significantly both as a part of his identity and verses written in her adoration as an anthology named An Ode to Shimla. He calls it a mansion of dreams in the land of verses. The inerasable thoughts of thine sprouted a seed in Sanjeev’s heart to dive in the profoundness of solitary love.
Each time Sanjeev fizzled he skipped back with more prominent greatness. After each set back, Sanjeev takes a shot at remaking his life. A pivotal piece of modifying his life was his interest towards the life of innovativeness which was embellished by a cornucopia of scholarly enjoyments. In this manner he pens down each shade of life that comes in his direction which is like Nirvana to him.
Sanjeev Bansal is a visioner, who has fabricated a kingdom of his creative ability. An individual who has been refracting light of his feelings and uncovering every one of its tints and shades. He crosses through the roads of human feelings and in the meantime amalgamates it with the conundrums of earth. His life is one superb voyage through the ocean of sentimental vibes.
Currently, Sanjeev is dealing with a few ideas. Couple of his works are for the compilation of ballads and additionally working on the second version of The Taste of Midnight besides reading Agatha Christie’s masterpieces. The verses have shifted classes, some are couplets while others are little haikus and furthermore some go under the classification – long epitaphs.
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Book Review The Taste of Midnight by Sanjeev Bansal
Congratulations on the publication of your marvel of a book, “The Taste of Midnight.” How has the audience received it
Sanjeev Bansal: The reviews are being colloated and as the starting stage, readers are liking the first part in the series of “The Taste of Midnight”.
What were the events that inspired you to write “The Taste of Midnight”?
Sanjeev Bansal: The stories and plots are build based upon the varied experiences and happenings on so called journey of life. Every now and then such moments elate you and sometimes they get the best out of you. So you collect and present them in the form of a tiny web.
Many authors have written in the same genre as yours, yet “The Taste of Midnight” appears unique and different from its counterparts. How did you manage to create that uniqueness despite remaining true to the genre?
Sanjeev Bansal: Firstly, the framing of characters especially the appeal of dark angle is what the readers will love. Secondly, the mixture of short verses in classic poetry style followed by the blend of real life heartache experiences make the genre an inimitable affair to remember.
“The Taste of Midnight” does not have clear-cut segregation, yet it is specific and to the point. How did you construct the idea of writing in such a manner?
Sanjeev Bansal: All the writers have their own style of writing. They create an atmosphere in which the readers submerge themselves and deep dive into the writers imagination. However, the heart of the plot is Stella around which all the events revolves. It’s Mike’s inner appellations that is specific and reaches to the vantage point.
After writing “The Taste of Midnight” do you think there is more that can come from your pen as a sequel to the work? Would you like to share your plans for writing in the future?
Sanjeev Bansal: Yes, as I said, it’s the starting in the series. The coming versions will be more exciting which will be transpiring the hidden secrets and answer the unsolved questions in “TheTaste of Midnight”.
While “The Taste of Midnight” explores a world beyond, what genre of literary writing would you like your work to be placed in since it doesn’t seem to be restricted to just one?
Sanjeev Bansal: Well, the genre of the literary writing in my point of view is vast and diversified. Since, it covers the aspects ranging from crime, suspense, love etc. therefore, it can specifically be placed in the tag of diverse literature.
“The Taste of Midnight” introduces you and your potential as a writer. Do you think you have been influenced by any other writers? Who would they be?
Sanjeev Bansal: I’m always amazed and thrilled by the suspense stories which shakes my inner self to portray a masterpiece. In my list, the top most position of such profound plots is of Agatha Cristie.
Do you think “The Taste of Midnight” has the potential to influence many lives at once?
Sanjeev Bansal: Well it depends upon the person to person how they take it. But as a writer I’ve did all my efforts that the people get influenced in a positive and growing direction. The negativities will be shunned off automatically.
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“The Taste of Midnight” as a title seems quite thought-provoking and multi-dimensional. How did you decide upon it?
Sanjeev Bansal: Well, it was quite difficult and had to brainstroam a lot. The view was that the title should express deep contours of the characters and situations. Hence, “Taste” signifies the essence of the midnight hour from which Mike has gone through because of the events happened between him and Stella.
“The Taste of Midnight” explores the journey of the lives of unique and strikingly different characters. What inspired the creation of these characters?
Sanjeev Bansal: The characters are driven by a deep-rooted motivation and creates a story arc. The characters lives in “The Taste of Midnight” have been digged deeper and have the contrasting feature. As an illustration, think of Mike’s quest in the novel to save Stella, fueled by her kidnapping and his guilt.
“The Taste of Midnight” is likely to excite the readers in no time. Did you have an idea of the gravity of the subject before you started writing the book?
Sanjeev Bansal: It’s always feel that being a writer, the story is incomplete and still more can be done to fill the voids. But it’s a saying that “Some things are better not to be completed and their beauty lies into that only”.
“The Taste of Midnight” shows your ability to write through incidents that have the flavor of fiction. Would you ever plan to write anything in the non-fiction category?
Sanjeev Bansal: It may be. We don’t have the control over the time and situations.
“The Taste of Midnight” seems promising for the present and future generations. I wish you luck with your future ventures.
Sanjeev Bansal: Thank you Literature Today for providing me an opportunity to be featured in your journal. I hope through your platform, “Taste of Midnight” reaches as far as it can be. Moving ahead, I would love to interact with our esteemed readers and followers to know the plot and other ideas.
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